Tuesday, March 13, 2018


    It seems that in Sweden there is a 'resignation syndrome' wherein refugees, mired in a hopeless situation, seeing no end in sight, fall off into a coma, some for years already. This is a sad statement about life and where we have all failed in finding a solution, coming up with proposals to solve this issue of countries moving in on other countries, both sides unprepared and in essence, a movement that can not continue as a few countries cannot absorb the rest of the world.
     So what to do? Throw them back like fish into the sea? Chase them down, hunt them, create ICE like raids which sends shivers through me and many others, even the ICE official who resigned in San Francisco? Ignore them and let them fade away, fail at life, at living, consign their children to a hopeless and limited life? None of these choices are acceptable so we must find another path. Personally, instead of spending all our funds on walls, people hunts, threats, arming the police like soldiers, creating new enforcement personnel, we should take those funds and work to better their original countries, give them hope to remain, economic hope, liberty hope, the hope of a future for themselves and their children. There are many complications within this plan, many details needed, but for sure, we are now wasting our funds here and in those countries where so much gets siphoned off as bribes, as armaments funding and so on.
     And what about here? So, small time - things have got to change here in CVWPB. UCO has become Dictatorship, Inc. and we see a type of resignation syndrome here. While Ed Grossman made a wonderful and close effort for Treasurer, there is still too much of the zombie delegates and too much rushing of voting. There are too many secrets within the administration and too much uncertainty as to what exactly is our reserve, how is it to be divided and safeguarded against needs and emergency happenings, who is watching the funds and presently we are going to have the fox in the henhouse on this!! Perhaps the only way to insure that our funds and our future remain in the positive column is to keep on Sebastian, at yet another cost, but perhaps we must. We do not wish to wake up one morning and find that we are dead broke, the presumed people responsible for this gone or resigned and we are up that proverbial creek at a bad time of life for this.
     And in the rest of the world? Resignation syndrome appears to be sputtering as almost the entire Latin America is up in arms. The people are starving in many areas, freedom and rights have been lost, restricted, deaths are often government ordered and the people have had enough. Bad times down thataway but perhaps they will have learned that strongmen governments cannot be allowed at all costs for truly, the costs are too much by far.
     Wars are consuming the rest of the world, be they open or terrorist style. Wars are often proxy wars, a Cold War technique that has been revived to a frightening degree and countries have been bombed to rubble, populations decimated, reduced to living in bombed out situations. And we wonder why there is a refugee problem?!
     So where is America? Where is the beacon of hope for the world? Well, our presumed leader is too busy symbolically shutting down the torch of liberty held up by the Statue of Liberty and instead contemplating new symbols - walls, walls of desperation, of ugly concrete and fencing, based on an ugly view of life.
     Our society is riven, with deep abysses and chasms separating Americans, with politics being a banned topic of discussion in so many homes and gatherings. This is not the way it is supposed to be. But, when people lose their self respect, when they live only to keep their pathetic seats of power, when they sell their souls to the money factors, when the present administration is more corrupt, incompetent, greedier and chaotic than ever before - what are we to do? Do we resign in our own form of resignation syndrome? 
     The answer must be a resounding NO!! We must gather our forces, join together and repair the damage in any way we can. That ranges from protests and blocking poor legislation to passing proper legislation, to getting rid of the trash now found in the administration and finding a way to remove Trump and corrupt family, immorality and danger to our country from office.  
     We need to repair the fabric of our country. We need to take steps to do so and impress upon the legislators that we will tolerate nothing less than  a return to our roots, our principles, return to the gains and strides we have made and gained and stomp down on the growing acceptance of immorality in  our leaders, in the disgusting and dangerous growth of hatred, open and virulent.
     Resignation syndrome? Not here!

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