How popular the movies and novels about apocalypse are! We read and watch and gobble them up. Survivors pack up supplies, hoard them in basements and hideaways. Rich are buying up huge areas of distant lands in distant countries and in backwoods areas. Lord, what fools these mortals be.
Can there be an apocalypse? With zombies? Well, as a number one fan of the Walking Dead, a collector of the comics and graphic novels that form the basis of this show, though it does go off track - as in Carl does not die in them - I am a tad leery of that ever happening. What does appear to be ever more likely with ever more odds of happening, is a destruction of the world order as we know it, either thru war or stupidity or environment or man's inhumanity towards others or whatever, but in any case, what we remain with is a world of disorder, chaos and anarchy where the evil come out on top and the good, the meek - forget it.
This is the apocalypse that worries me. This is the one that is ever more likely to occur and the question remains - what are we to do about it? What and how do we prevent it? And can it be prepared for? Not with the food and meds, though they are necessary, but how do we rebuild society? Can we rebuild society? In the image of what?
Think that once again I smoked something I should not have? Nope, sorry to disappoint you. This is reality about to happen. We have a President who is demented beyond all remedy, beyond any possibility to deal with on a logical path. DC is filled with incompetent and greedy people brought in by this demented man. His family, whom he has embedded within his administration, are just as corrupt as the facts come out. It is as if we appointed a bright seven year old to run the school - but the outcome here is a tad more serious.
So what do we do when the evil of the world get together, seemingly, to destroy democracy, to destroy and ignore human rights, to separate the world into factions of the haves and the have-nots in a more extreme manner than has ever gone down before? What do we do when these Leaders for Life go up against each other - but send others out to do their fighting as they hole up in safety. What do we do when they have turned the earth against its inhabitants and it is no longer a viable habitat?
Apocalypse? Oh yes. No zombies - though who the hell knows what is hiding behind the locked doors of labs around the world - but seriously - what do we do to prevent this? How do we take steps? Is there no one out there who has an answer? Are there no groups of sane people left with the capacity to do this? Are there no good leaders out there to gather us up in the right crusade?
Uh oh! I hear weird noises. Chomp! Chomp! Oh, No! Zombies ahead!!
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