Thursday, April 26, 2018


     The world of the o'er is the world of the surface. It is what we see when we look. It is the seeming appearance of people and things and often has pitfalls waiting from the 'neath world. It is the quicksand waiting for the luckless person, seeming to be solid ground and then one is entrapped. So it is in our world and so it is that we need to look at the 'neath if we are to understand people and know what to do.
     So lovey-dovey. Holding hands and kissing and hugging, grooming each other. Macron and Trump, the new couple of the year. But watch out for there is more to it than that.  Macron ran circles around Trump and then in front of Congress slammed his cooing seeming partner right where it hurts - in the basis of Trumpism.
He spoke against the idea of strong men and dictatorships, against isolation and mentioned America First policy as wrong. It was lovely to see. The o'er and the 'neath.
     We see the hypocrisy that arises from the contrast of the o'er and the 'neath. We forget our own history. So Michael Cohen now is taking the Fifth on questions re his payoff to Daniels.. Huh!! This from the lawyer of the President?! Never before! This from the lawyer of the man who reamed out people for taking the Fifth, stating that only mob people did that! Uh huh! Are we supposed to forget that he himself took the Fifth during his divorce proceedings with Ivana Trump?
     The o'er and the 'neath. So a policeman who was supposed to serve and protect now turns out to be one of the worst serial killers ever, the Golden State Killer, a former chair of ethics  officer throws away ethics and sanity as she screams filth at an officer who pulled her daughter over. And the filth that came out during the two Cosby trials and the retrogressing of the defense attorneys who tried their best to damage the victims. The filth 'neath the o'er.
     Nor does it stop there. The promises of the Trump campaign have turned to dust for the most part and we hope more will continue to do so. He is surviving by governing via Executive Orders, just as a strongman dictator who despises the very idea of democracy would do. Despite giving heaps of cash back to the corporations, here we now have Ford doing major cutting! The o'er and the 'neath.
     We have lost our sense of balance, of decency and  now turn to fighting like children, calling each other names, touting lies as the truth, and why not, for is that not what the supposed leader does? So in Indiana there is a disgusting race for a primary victor in the Republican party. Personally, I would not vote for a single one of these filthy mouthed creeps who certainly set an example - the wrong one, and who have allowed the dirt of the 'neath to take over the o'er.
     So the question is and always will be, will we fight our way back from the quicksand into which we have fallen or will we give way and find a new world in the quaking grounds of the world of the 'neath? Will we learn a lesson from the new memorial to the victims of lynching, a chilling one, one that attests to the worst of mankind, one that shows what happens when we allow the 'neath to take over. And these same hatreds are popping up, rising to the surface, giving off a nasty stench and we must make a choice. Do we choose the o'er, a world which must be appreciated and maintained via hard work, watchfulness, or do we choose the world of the 'neath, seemingly easier but not so in the long run.
     Imagine if the world of The Handmaid's Tale was the world that we lived in. Not pleasant, is it. It happens when people do not watch, are not vigilant protecting our democracy and decency and allow the supposed little busting of the gas bubbles from the 'neath to go unnoticed, until their stench and their evil pervades the world above.
     Choose the world one wants to live in. Choose the world of the o'er where wrongs hopefully are righted, where mankind realizes that we are one, all alone on a little blue ball in space. Choose the world where struggle leads hopefully to something good, something right, something decent. 


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