Wednesday, May 23, 2018


     Oh yeah! We have been writing about this, we meaning major political analysts, as well as myself. Constitutional crisis. If he does this or does that or does not do the other, there will be a constitutional crisis. And then what? But no one ever said.
     This country has a Constitution. The original is in the National Archives. Any day now I would not be surprised if it disappeared and reports of its once upon existence will be termed old Fake News!! Such are the times we live in.
     We have as President a man who is ignorant of history, of truth, of continuity, of tradition, of the law. He grasps more and more power in his greedy little hands - and yes, they are little! He runs over American law like a runaway driver of a Big Wheels and then expects to be applauded for his daring. And his latest ploy is the straw, that proverbial straw.
     He demanded - demanded - that the Justice Department do things his way. He demanded that they investigate whomever he names as conspiring against him, from the FBI top administrators to anyone else in his path. It is a dictatorial trait to use the law enforcement agencies to crack down on opponents and guess what? We now have open use of that technique here. Constitutional crisis indeed. 
     And just follow along with the rampant corruption of his administration. Of the repeated attempts to shut down the press, stomp them to death and he admitted that was his design as he admitted to Lesley Stahl on 60 Minutes that his plan was to demean and abuse reporters so people would not pay attention to negative news about him. For real!!! This man should have never been elected and frankly, the shenanigans of the FBI, what with stating something about emails and Hillary just prior to the election and choosing to keep quiet re the already strong investigation into the Trump campaign and its repeated contacts with Russians, well these steps led to his election when he should have been in jail answering questions about his behavior and that of his campaign aides.
     And now the next step. The physical barring of reporters from an open meeting in the EPA, already a stained and filthy department under Trump and his lackey. The reporter was physically threatened and then pushed out - strong enough that it was five feet before she came to a stop! Does nobody else hear the ripping of a revered artifact of the founding of the States? Does nobody else feel the fear, the fright that we are witnessing the death of the United States of America as it was once known?
     Think this is exaggeration? Just read about the discussion by NFL owners as to whether to punish or not the taking of a knee during the anthem at games and what the punishment would be. So now, if they have their way, peaceful protest would now be punished. Freedom to express our opinions, freedom of speech, would be gone, taking a big step down that dangerous and dark road. Dictatorship once more on the rise and for the two guys who started this - well, ask them if they have a job as free agents. They do not and I am sure that there is collusion here by the owners to punish these guys for their protest. And what is next? Will people be forced to reach a certain decibel in the singing of the anthem? Will they be forced to cheer at the end of it? What about the rest of us? What if we do not choose to sing the anthem? What if we are making our own protest? Dangerous slope we are on here, folks, dangerous indeed.
     And now for the good news. (LOL.) A year ago a sinkhole opened by Mar a Lago. Now we have the Hawaiian volcano roaring fire and brimstone in the midst of paradise. And wait - here is the kicker. There is now a growing sinkhole on the North Lawn of the White House. Hmmm. what message might be present here? I know one. So do you!!!
Anybody hear a deep and large voice calling out from somewhere? And would that be from Above or Below. Think on that one. Ahhh, the power of dreams!

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