Wednesday, May 30, 2018


     Anybody out there as confused as I am? It seems that the world has gone atumblin' down, all the way down, and there is no end in sight. We have lost all control over events, over ourselves and there are no more role models any longer that apply to all. Nope, for now there is the alt right and the alt left, the resurgence of hate groups, the Antifa, and the moderates? Well, where the hell are they any more?
     All common courtesy is gone. Yes, the actions of yesterdays between men and women turn into the continued actions today and we wonder when it will stop? We wonder when we will have respect for all, no matter the color or creed or ethnicity or orientation or whatever difference that makes people go nuts! We wonder when people will realize that an apology does not quite cut it. When one has been groped or raped or debased or tweeted about or bullied, the apology does not take away the hurt and the consequences which are often lifelong. Words? They can hurt and cut and they can also be too little too late.
     Semantics is a dangerous game. So Trump calls an informant, a very typical being in law enforcement and in fact, in business as well (wonder if Trump used 'spies' as he calls them in his business dealings?!) so giving them a name with negative connotation is ridiculous, just a ploy of Trump's that is getting real old real quick.
     He uses the technique that Hitler loved - the Big Lie, the one so outrageous and so huge that repetition only made it seem more real. His words and his open faced, bald faced lies appeal to his 'base' and I wonder where the hell that word came into play and how it denigrates so many of us, playing us as numbers, rather than people who actually think and the worst thing about it - we allow this to happen and fall right into the hole.
     But there are also actions and the more shocking they are, the more they spit on our customs and laws, the more we are stood on our heads and the more tired we grow of this. That is Trump's plan, for he is so egregious in his lies, in his outrageous deeds or rather misdeeds that we get so tired of being bombarded and cannot keep count or contact with his so many misdeeds and lies. All food for his gristmill.
    And the world follows along with maltreatment of children, with massacres, with hypocrisy, with insane rants about Walls that another nation state will pay for and never you mind that they have emphatically said basically what the hell!! We cozy up to allies so the Trump family can enhance its business bottom line, we have incompetent and corrupt officials at the helm, we have lost all control over a deranged individual who regularly breaks into a raging rant when crossed, when the world does not obey his wants, the very actions of a demented individual falling deeper and deeper into dementia.
     And this crap trickles down. Just yesterday in CV we had an Executive Board meeting. There were important issues to be voted upon, issues that the king in his own mind president, David Israel, pulled a fast one. Never mind all the other times he was not present for one reason or another; suddenly the fact that he was not there suddenly turned into a no vote for the meeting. What a crock!! These items were all meant to insure a fairer, more decent and open administration of UCO, a fact which turns his stomach. The person who was to have presented these items was CALLED and told not to come and then the fact that she was not there was made into another reason why the vote could not take place. We have a witness to the fact that she was called so all we got were more lies, more garbage, all from a man who needs to take a rocking chair and get out of our lives. He has allowed this place to slide into a bad state in every which way. The mold or whatever is back bigtime in the waters of the lakes and canals, the AB installation is digging up the landscape and cutting underground infrastructure left and right, suddenly we squeeze the Rag into a tiny place in the UCO building, the same paper which had demanded a much larger space than it already had and we give over a building to AB for a very nominal rent and give away a building in the very heart of the Village for false reasons.
     So what in the world, or better yet, what the hell is going on. I am so tired of the insults to people from our supposed leaders. I am so tired of their hypocrisy, their dishonesty, their debased behavior, their true ignorance of the right way to do things and the very deep lack of a wanting to do things the right way.
    And tired as we all are we have a duty to not turn away, to not give in to despair, to take action, to protest, to vote, to demonstrate, to holler and yell, to write and speak and do whatever it takes to get us back into the true groove of the United States of America in every aspect of life.

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