Monday, June 25, 2018


    We used to say to others to stop the planet so we can get off, but there is no escaping today, anywhere. The Trumpian influence, its damage, is all around and now he wishes to militarize space, not particularly a bad idea to have ideas and perhaps a kernel of a force ready, but, a great big but, there are more pressing needs down here on earth before we do that!
     In any case, now is the time to bang that head on that proverbial wall. Trumpism demands a twisted mind, no heart or soul, and an ability to turn decisions on their heads at a second's notice. There is no doctrine other than the aggregation of money for oneself, no loyalty to others, but demands loyalty up the ladder and believes in the rule of the oligarch, the dictator, rather than democracy. I firmly believe that if Trump had his druthers he would turn our democracy on its head, already doing much of that anyway, and become a President for Life or a Great Leader or whatever term he wishes to satisfy his twisted ego and claim it was done in a democratic manner - a la Hamas or Erdogan or any number of ruthless dictators in the world, including his particular buddies - Putin, Xi, Kim Jong-un, Duterte, and just keep going.
     I do not know about all of the rest of you, but I know that myself and many others, a growing number, are realizing that we did not sign up for this. We did not sign up to have an America that has lost its soul. We did not sign up for an America that locks up children, lies about it, and holds them for ransom, returning them - if they know where the hell they have stowed them! - if, if, the parent signs a self deportation order. Lock who up, Mr. Trump? Perhaps you and your minions who are so brazenly committing the federal crime of kidnapping every damn day!!!
    Bang! Bang! Bang! Oops, a hole in the wall. Such is the level of hatred and confusion and angst and worry and despair in this country. We give the wealthy a tax cut and then pay for that loss of revenue by slashing the social safety net, by reducing , totally cancelling regulations that were meant to keep our country environmentally and financially safe for its citizens. But under Trump we now have Secretaries who state it is okay to let Big Banks loose again. Okay to pollute the rivers with chemicals. Okay to pollute our foods, our very water. Okay to cancel the safety net for our very lands, for our heritage. Okay to turn our allies and enemies upside down. Okay to push a tariff and trade war, tit for tat, and put us on the edge of economic meltdown. Okay for the level to descend to a state of declared war on Trump's personal businesses - now that  I like!!! And take those of his sons and daughter and son in law with them!
     We are finding out that there are many among us who seem to have no problem, no compunction, against the abuse of children, of causing rendings of the heart and  soul which will last  a life time. They are doing their job kind of people and I thought we were well on our way to getting rid of that. We have Congressmen and women who are afraid of the President and have resigned their rights, passing only what he will approve us, refusing to take him to task and if one does, they either resign because they cannot take it any more or they are called names and punished.
    So wait a minute, Bang my head against the wall? Maybe it is better if we can stop the planet and get off! But in the meanwhile, we live here, our future generations live here and will live here. It is time to stop the destruction of our country, of the people who live within. Time to stop the hypocrisy. Say what? Well, how about we kidnap these kids, lock them up, terrify them, lose them, threaten them but also make them pledge allegiance to the flag - the American flag, the same flag of the country that is tormenting them, that refuses their dreams - every damn morning.
    Now Trump says he is not against immigration - but not these people. I know, that 3 year old is desperate for that lollypop so who knows what nefarious plan he will come up with. Or that 7 year old eyeing a little girl. I am sure he is thinking of raping her in about 7 years rather than just wanting to play with her now, commiserate about their losses. Ahh, but those white immigrants, the very ones who are not coming right now, the very ones whose countrymen who preceded them lived like all others with good people and bad, with law enforcers and law breakers - these white people are the ones we want, not these brown people fleeing for their lives, wanting a life for their children that does not include horrors.
     So go, bang your collective heads against the wall. Perhaps an answer will come to you. As for me, I donate to the Democratic Party, I write, I rail against the creeps who are now in power and I vow that I will not stop until banging heads on the wall is not necessary, until we have retrieved our democracy,  our America. Until we have a President who is a mature adult who does not engage in childish rhyming name calling, who has morals, who has a functioning brain, and about whom I can say, that yes, this is my President. When, oh when? BANG!!!!!! (Ouch!)

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