Sunday, June 17, 2018


      Ever say something, do something and then smack yourself upside your own head because you did or said what you just did? We have all been there, done that  and we will all continue to do that but here is the difference right now from the way it used to be. Today nothing is secret. Nothing is forgotten or forgiven. Nothing is truly secret any longer. What one did at 16 can bite you where it hurts when you are 46 or 24 and looking for a job and that picture that you sexted to your oh so forever boyfriend at his behest is now making the rounds, going viral and right into your future boss's inbox.
     The world is topsy-turvy when adults need to find the closest juvenile to ask for advice and guidance as to how to work a critical daily device. It is inverted, standing on its head when kids during adolescence are asked to think as adults able to foresee and understand consequences, at a time when their brains are being rewired. And the errors they make at this time - are etched in stone, always there to haunt them. And where are their role models? Nowhere to be found.
    So why do we allow this? Why do we not extend an understanding mind and hand to people who have done something wrong and then never done or been where they should not have been. Why? Because we are at a loss in this top speed world, no time to think, no time to assess, just act and say and do and decide or go with the flow. That flow, that fast white water flow is simply not good. So why do we drown ourselves in it?
     Why? For the same reason that it is now a big fad or movement to check our DNA, know where we came  from or what or when our ancestors came  here to our country and from whence. I was floored to see that an ancestor of mine came to America circa 1825and a whole bunch more in 1850. Ha! I am a Yankee for more generations than I knew. I also found out that I am 2% Iberian. So do I have Sephardic blood or am I related to Moorish or Spanish royalty? It allows one to dream, to enjoy life in an often frightening world.
     But there are more serious consequences in this whirly world of ours. It is natural to want to feel safe, to have the decisions made by others and just go along, living your life and leaving the big questions to others for their answers. But these answers will affect us, greatly so, so why. Why is it that we allow a mean and dangerous barely literate amoral selfish and greedy man to ruin the world? Why do we allow him to turn the world on its head, inch by inch, mile by mile,  turning our democracy into a dictatorship with his openly fascistic tendencies. Why do we allow a man to make decisions that are so wrong and are based on his desires to build condos on a beach in the country of our enemy.
     Why do we make believe that there are no lies in his administration, allow him and his minions to lie about the deaths in Puerto Rico and the neglect of the federal forces of that beautiful isle, filled as it is with brown people. Why? The lies are open and there for the seeing. And when they are uncovered what do we do? Nothing, it seems.
     So why is that? Why do we allow a policy today that is going to cause such trouble in the future and even if one cannot or does not have a heart today, can see little ones taken away from parents, sit screaming in a shelter/prison for children, for toddlers, for adolescents who need parental guidance for kids who are not allowed to be touched or picked up even as they sit and scream, not understanding this sudden ripped apart world of theirs. What are we building for the future when these kids grow up with no humanity, no sense of love, growing without the human touch so essential to true life. This is not America, America is better than this a visitor to one of these detention centers says and yet, this IS America today. So why, why, why?
    So why do we allow this? Why are we not rioting in the streets, screaming from the pages and leaves of our minds and hearts? Why are we allowing this man to do what he does? Why do we allow his corrupt and venal appointees, his incompetent appointed judges, to ruin our country, to do wrong!!! Why, so why?
     Are we to forgive a man his misdeeds when he continues to accelerate in their size and scope? The answer is a definite NO and where, oh where, are courageous Republicans who need to call him out, to impeach and convict him? Where are the doctors who are honest and who know that his brain is probably cheesy with holes, unable to put together a sensible sentence, let alone an entire paragraph unless it is fed to him word by word. Why do they allow, no, why do we allow, this man, erratic, unknowing, nasty, cruel, so devastatingly unqualified to be President - to be President?
     So why? Because we are cowards? Or because we are confused in a confusing world? Because we feel we need a dictator, a strong man to control us and our destiny? Because we are ready to hand over our country, tired of carrying the burden? You make an answer that suits you. As for me, I am sitting here holding my head in my hands wondering so why, why?

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