Tuesday, July 10, 2018


   Well, it appears that Trump et al have managed to change time, to return to the past even as time marches on. For centuries this country has made progress in human rights, civil rights, progressive thinking, attitudes of acceptance to LGBT, the acceptance of women in all areas and professions - still room to work in that area! We have accepted responsibility to clean up the air, the water, the environment in general, not only in this country but throughout the world.
     And along came Trump and all those who would turn back the clock, who now feel safe in expressing hatred and contempt for others, for those in  weaker positions in society. We have horrific stories of harsh treatment in detention centers, with no medical care, statements and actions of hatred and harm. The Border people make war on children, holding them for ransom until - and even if then - parents agree to deport themselves, keeping them filthy and freezing, separating them from parents and all familiar people, even separating siblings. When did we grow people willing and even eager to do these things?
     Since when do we have people who, while  walking with a child! think they are empowered to beat up a 91 year old man because he is Mexican, visiting a son, beating him with a brick and then soliciting the aid of a group of men to kick him when she said he was stealing her child- a 91 year old man!!!In broad daylight. Only the darkness of hate.
     And meanwhile, we have a nominee for the Supreme Court who has stated that the president of the country should be above the law, immune from civil and criminal proceedings. Really? Since when is anybody in this country immune from the consequences of breaking the law? Never, apparently, until the alleged criminal Trump took office in an election tainted by Russian interference, an illegitimate election and president if ever there were one.
     We have prosecuting attorneys who have the filthiest mouth ever, cursing women, Mexicans and just about anyone that bothers him. Who gave him the feeling of safety and entitlement to use this language and spout these attitudes? It all comes from the top! And then again, we have a driver for the man Trump who is now suing for non payment of overtime. As if the Trump guy could not afford it - and barely gave him any raises during his 15 years of employment. And this is the man that labor thinks is for them? Even as his administration has ripped the rights of unions to shreds? Poisoned the air we breathe? Polluted our waters? Given tours on Air Force One to business associates, members of his Mar a Lago at the horrific cost of $200,000  to join? Well blow me down if I ever buy a car from Arrigo as they are the big bosom buddies of Trump, members, business associate and where does the line get drawn? Or is it erased more every day?
     We bully other countries, threatening economic sanctions if they disagree with us, even unto the point of threats to Ecuador and other countries if they support a resolution that breast feeding is the best source of nutrition for the little ones. For this we threaten sanctions? Since when have we returned to that ugly bully pulpit? But for the products for Ivanka's business from China there are no tariffs? Gee, wonder if she knows somebody?!
     We ignore the signs for an impending bear market, Read MarketWatch. Crazy tariffs imposed by us are hurting us already and for what - to allow this man to strut like a pompous peacock? We have more and more fear coming through from this man and his lawyers as Michael Cohen, once the personal lawyer and alleged bag man or delivery service for hush money for Trump, edges closer to finally telling the truth and suddenly we are having a new Justice who says the President is immune from the law?!
     We are overwhelmed by lies, about Russia and Putin, about North Korea which has continued its nuclear program even as Ralph Reed and his "Christian" organization send a thick mailing saying that the North Korean problem is basically solved thanks to Trump and other such lies. I have the mailing in my hands as I write.Ahem? And why are we getting these mailings if we are not Christian, not on a mailing list that tends that way, and why is established religion suddenly so openly entangled with the government? Whatever happened to separation of church and state?
     We are not in a good way here today, folks. Our attitudes have regressed to the 19th century. Voting rights, equality before the law, a protective and fair government, global participation by us, a position of leadership - we are on the wrong side of everything it seems, taking a backwards and retrogressive path, rather than the progressive one, a path we proudly held to for many, many years.
     19th century thinking in a 21st century world is dangerous. Make no bones about that. So which century do you wish to live in and remember, when you condone hatred in one segment of society towards another, it does not stop there. The same ones yelling about Mexicans and gangsters also yell about ignorant black people and Jews taking over the world and set up crazy religions and drag their personal beliefs into the world of law. But then again, we can ask what law? Pick your century, folks, but pick it with a clear view as to what happens because of that choice - and will you be able to live in that world? Think. Think hard.

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