Friday, August 10, 2018


     Well, somewhere along the line Trump heard the statement that charity begins at home and he acted on that. Charitable funds were used to pay off his debts, including bribes and payoffs to women he has wronged. Under his Presidency laws have been made or unmade, with many, many financial benefits to Trump, especially his real estate interests. He holds meetings with his sons as they report on his business - the one he was supposed to have divested from. Oops!
     But wait, for it does not end here. Let us go to his personal home front and check it out. Here ya go! Melania's parents were given visas to allow them entry into the country, quickly became legal immigrants and hey, now they are naturalized citizens. All this all the while thousands of other immigrants - illegal and legal!!!! - are thrown out, chased out, locked up and separated from their children. Anyone smell something bad here?
     We have Senators plotting how to keep Trump in power, how it was necessary to have a solid protective wall of Senators and Congressmen around Trump. To protect him. To place yet another extreme conservative in the Supreme Court so we can continue to go backwards as a  country and people. Uh huh! The people on tape admit that his tweets are ridiculous so I ask, why do we have people who are supposed to be working for us and certainly take our financial pay and benefits we grant them, why are they disregarding their legal responsibilities in order to defend a dangerous imbecile? And then, despite the recording, he seeks to deny it, that somehow the Democrats twisted words around when it is all there in audible black and white!
     We find that administration officials hide things from Trump so he cannot ruin them and/or go ballistic. What a great group of guys! We find soft touches or places in the government where rot has set in. A Russian firm is given relief from Trump tariffs when so many American firms are not, have announced closings and cost increase, and only when it was found out that an American firm had objected but supposedly had made an "error" in its paperwork, was suddenly found and accepted.
    Kobach, the creep, is supervising his own election count and the vote counts have been quite alarming even as counties dispute his statements about the tally or the votes. Recusal had to be made for peace sakes. Is this what the rest of the 2018 elections will be like, and the Democrats will have to wrestle in every election for every vote?
     The judge in the Manafort trial really stinks to the high heavens and has issued statements detrimental to the prosecution, erroneous statements at that, and has been forced to apologize and admit wrongdoing. Personally, I think that at 78 he has lost it and it is time for retirement. And meanwhile more of the soft underbelly of governmental corruption comes out as Mueller forges on, even as Ross, the Commerce Secretary , is accused of bilking his buddies out of $120 million and why the hell is he still in office!!! Ingraham makes an openly nasty statement pushing hatred of others, is despicable to the nth degree and this is symbolic or representative of what we can expect from the hateful new Neo Nazi commemorative march and commemorating what? The Charlottesville Neo Nazi riot rally wherein a protester was killed - on purpose. At least the Army has stopped throwing out valuable immigrants from the Army, at least for a while. Nothing like cutting that proverbial nose from the proverbial face!
     But hey, let the corruption roll on for all is good in the Trump world, that bizarre world of no morals and no care for others, the world where the Trump family is seeking royalty positions, where the immigration process seems to go so easily for Trump hotel workers and for Melania's parents. Why they even go along on golfing, oops, 'working' vacations! Do we pay for them and their expenses too?
     And hey again. If this is getting you down in the dumps and you need a pickup, why there is one available. Get the latest pair of shorts, hot off the press, only $565 and you get the look as if you are wearing two pair at the same time. They are the ugliest, silliest pair of denim shorts ever!
    "Lord, what fools these mortals be." Shakespeare said it long ago and by the way, there is an interesting lecture in the Kravis this year on the connection of themes in Shakespeare, the politics of his time and ours. Sad that we have never changed, that politics play the important roles rather than care and concern, honest acceptance of responsibility, and the same vein of hatred and prejudice. I am looking forward to it.
     So back to the home front and …..

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