Tuesday, August 21, 2018


     As a rule, I do not watch reality shows as watching people strut and display themselves, answer intimate questions, claim to be isolated and barely surviving when a camera crew is there every moment, all this has no appeal to me and in fact, I find it disturbing. However, visiting these past two weeks, my granddaughter has me watching that Bachelor show wherein a bunch of men and women who should know better, but who seemingly are in desperate straits in their personal love lives, fall all over themselves and the object(s) of their romantic inclinations, all in the name of love and a possible future marriage or permanent relationship. I was told that there are several marriages that have resulted from this matchup race and great, I say. However, the exception proves the rule and this show is presenting with a false and harmful pretense that love can be found within a few days or even with one date with a camera watching, even as the men strut their man stuff as they kiss and hug every woman in sight and the women demean themselves with their open desperation. And in fact, I was apprised of the fact that there is a show wherein one hour gets a proposal and marriage. Huh!!
     This is all so shallow, and yes, I admit one can get caught up in these troubled and ever changing pairings, but life is not like this, or I hope not. Perhaps too many people think it is, this fast pairing up, these quick decisions for life, and that is one reason we, as a country, are in such a perilous state. 
     We want instant gratification and if not, we roar and curse and shout and threaten and all the time look around for a good person or group to take the blame. We have a president who is the perfect example of that, who roars with a filthy and desperate mouth whenever he does not get his way, or with the ever increasing fear of his that the truth is closer to being revealed. We see no brakes as the politicians rant and rave and accuse and play everything out in the papers, trying for the votes and the money and us, we are left out of the equation, except for the fact that we allow them to be in office and pay their salaries, benefits and pensions, great ones, for life.
     We need to demand accountability from them and from every person we know in a position of influence, power, control, or decision making, no matter the level, from local to national and even international, such as the UN or the World Court. We have lost sight of any respect due even the office of president, never mind the individual holding it, and why would we not, as this man has made a tragic mockery of it and at least it seems that the bachelors and bachelorettes of the country appear to have a growing dislike for him, other than the beguiled and the racist and  the fooled.
      More Russian hacking exposed. Privately run and owned prisons where there are horrible conditions, for convicts and for immigrants and  kids. Proposed future Supreme Court Justices or Federal Appeal Courts are ignorant, inexperienced, damned by the lawyer associations, or have background experiences which indicate their bias and train of thought which bodes ill for the country - for decades to come. And businesses that are flourishing are those that benefit greatly from the insane tariffs while we all pay, literally, the consequences in higher prices and unavailability of items. 
      What are we doing and where are we going? What is the port of final destination and will we bachelors and bachelorettes like it. Will we find that paradise we all seek or will we find a place of smoky disaster. I have my own answers to those questions, to our current direction, but you, the people, must also know where we are going. Thankfully more and more appear to be looking for a second route, and I hope and pray that we find that better path and try to remake the country known once as the Golden Country, the Goldeneh Medinah, the Golden Mountain, to all those seeking a new and better life within it.

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