Tuesday, August 7, 2018


     So the air is rife with the stench and miasma arising from the  swamp of Trump's making. It is filled with the corruption, the greed, the nastiness, and yes, the evil, that has grown apace within our country. Despair seems to have overtaken many, looking for answers, for a solution, yet it appears as if they seek in vain, situation hopeless.
     And yet, that is not so. We can take heart in the growing hazards to the Trump Age as more and more comes out. We can take heart in the predictive essay that came out yesterday stating that one way or another, by impeachment or resignation to avoid prosecution, Trump will be gone by 2020. And Pence and his ineptness and religious straitjacketed conservatism will be gone as well after the election. Hallelujah!
     But we need something before, something that is already here, something that we tend to forget. We overlook it for the most part, wallowing in our sins, our faults, our hopelessness and blame calling. What? Simple. It came into my home last nite and the air already rings with the laughter, with the giggles of life, with the hope and freshness that the young bring with them. The young always somehow learn to manage to find something to give them life and hope. They are busy building their lives and no one and nothing will stop them. They have the optimism that we seem to have been losing of late.  
     In the midst of cruel treatment, migrant children find the energy to play soccer on a makeshift concrete field. They find the courage to speak up, to demand the right to hug their siblings, for touch was forbidden - guess the molesters did not get the message - and their peers who survived shootings in their school and their allies demanded that things have to change. They must, for otherwise there is no future and the young refuse to accept that.
     My two rays of sunshine, the producers of giggles of life, came for a visit. And yes, we speak to our grandchildren very often, even see them via Skype or FaceTime, but there is nothing like hearing and seeing them in real time and touch.
     It is hard at times for the older people to keep up the optimism they once had too as youngsters. We are the generation that stopped a war, that turned the 1968 Democratic convention upside down. We are the generation that warred on poverty, that extended the social safety net, that provided regulations to safeguard our environment and our workers. So what happened? Life? Yes, but there is more. Somehow and for some reason we allowed the vagaries of life, the disappointments of life, to overwhelm us, to cause us to forget the hope and dreams we once had. 
     We need to fight that feeling, that depression, that hopelessness. We need to find the giggles of life. Yes, some are ill. Some are financially struggling. Some are lonely. Some depressed. But we need to reach within ourselves and find the remnants of our giggles, join with our youngsters and make this a world where laughter rule and hope is in the air. Giggles are great and contagious. Let us seek them and their magic out.

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