Sunday, September 30, 2018


      Out of the closet? That would be the best excuse for Trump's declaration of love for Kim Il-Jung, the North Korean dictator. There are some other reasons, possibly. One, the man is more and more insane with less and less control over his mouth, or two, the man is just continuing his rather treasonous remarks at the same time that he pacifies his partners in treason. First we had admiration of Putin, then Duterte, a few random dictators here and there and now, Kim. Awww, how sweet it is! Not!! Seems there is no scuzzy guy on this planet's surface that Trump does not admire! Such a great guy!
     His chosen pick for the Court is just another example of his warped sense of values. Watch SNL and see how they caught the true Kavanaugh. The sniffles. The sniffing. The incessant water drinking and do they make colorless beer? (LOL) His over the top ranting and raving, conspiracy statements, even bringing in the Clintons for heaven's sake! Maybe we should go back to the moment of his birth for perhaps the conspiracy began even then!
     There is no excuse for his behavior as a teen and college student, and yes, I believe Prof. Ford and if he cannot remember - which I do not believe - it is because he was blotto! And no, he did not explain 'skis' or Keg Club or answer any questions that drew blood and no, I do not believe that the yearbook would include his "ralphing" from 'spicy foods" - it was the beer, stupid!! The many beers!! And how do we know if he will come drunk to the bench for we are told over and over again that he likes beer. He really does and don't they all? He was disrespectful, disturbingly violent, annoying in his sniffling and drinking, abusive in behavior and in no way can he be considered to be of judicial temperament. If he were to admit and apologize it would go a long way, but his ranting and obvious wrong temperament for a judge are  too obvious at this point. Even the ABA and the Jesuit organization have disavowed him and asked for investigation. Even the ACLU has chimed in and they never do this with judges but this guy!
     And sorry, folks, read up on the investigation and it is a farce, set up for failure for justice. Shocking, huh? It is limited in scope, no Swetnick, and why not throw in false allegations as well even as true ones are banned and then, to insure a proper outcome, at least for Kavanaugh, the White House and that creep of a guy drew up a list of witnesses who can be interviewed. Nothing like an open investigation is there?
     This administration is disgusting and now the chief creep is off on yet another rabble rousing tour, calling the Democrats evil and mean. Guess he has not looked in the mirror lately. His focus on chief villain is now Feinstein for how lovely to have yet another woman to demean and abuse.
     Trump and Trumpians have allowed this country to fall by the wayside of the world. We are a laughingstock to the world, diplomats openly laugh at Trump's ridiculous false boasts and threats. Jeff Flake finally comes out and admits that this is tearing the country apart but he is actually a tad late, for we are already torn, perhaps past the time and place of being fixed - ever.
     We have lost our souls. We have lost our vision. We have become mean spirited and vicious, particularly the 'conservative' side. True conservatives such as Goldwater, true founders of the Republican Party such as Lincoln, are turning and rolling in their graves, distraught at what has happened. What do they think has occurred when high school students spell out the n word, openly, allowing the hatred to spill over and out? Why have these incidents been 'blossoming and blooming'? Because Trump and his followers allow this, enjoy this and it will never stop unless we do something!
     And do not think that we have stopped our war on children. A young Korean woman, adopted by her uncle, a biochemistry student in college, poised to graduate and contribute to her country, America, is now being told that she will be deported upon said graduation! Yup, true enough! So we throw out more kids, throw out foreign born servicemen and does anyone realize how many foreign born soldiers we had in our armies of various wars? 
     What is the matter with us that we allow this disgusting behavior, that we continue to harm our country by allowing these things to take place? And yes, there is hope, for there are many out there who are disgusted with that man and his followers, with his violations of the principles of America but I wonder. Is there still time? Will all come out to vote in November? Can we mend the breach of the country and its people? And most important of all - will it be peacefully or with violence and civil war. Will there be a legal transfer of power or will it be a forceful imposition by Trump and his authoritarian followers over the rest of the country? Will we remain America or will we be simply yet another dictator run country and the once upon a time Camelot and dream will be discarded in the streets? Our choice folks, our choice, but the timeframe is quickly narrowing. Very quickly.

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