Wednesday, September 12, 2018


     Reading an excellent novel written about the time of the Black Plague, I came across these two terms, among others, at a time when the surviving serfs of England, mainly Saxons, found their voice, expressed their wish and desire for freedom, to educate themselves, to hope for a better life other than toiling for the benefit of a master who had life and death power over them. Those Norman invaders and despots who could not understand this, the inner and innate desires of a human being, and those serfs who were too afraid, too downtrodden to understand what it was that they were missing, were called the names of the title and how appropriate they were.
     And how they still are today, 700 years later, when the desires for freedom, for education, for a good life, especially for their children, are still paramount in most people's minds. However, there are those lack-wits, those clod-brains, who cannot figure that out and instead push the hatred, push the fear, push the control, and push the dishonesty and oppression. All these years later and here we are, stuck in the same ruts because there are lack-wits among us who simply cannot understand how wrong they are.
     Our leaders are mainly those who sold their souls for power and who engage in plots and plans to ensure their power and cut all rivals down. Other members of the governing body become deadly enemies rather than remaining countrymen, and here we have the plot ingredients for a modern day Shakespearian play.
     Worst of all is the clod-brain we have as the ultimate office holder, the elected ruler - and how did that happen! - who strives so hard to become the absolute ruler of the country, who drives his opponents into the ground as hard as he can, who lies in a constant flow of garbage out of his mouth and who has no morals at all. He tells people to deny abuse of others, particularly women. "Deny, Deny" he says and sees nothing wrong in it. The fires are burning and he is feeding into them, in a worse way than the proverbial Nero (who did not fiddle while Rome burned, by the way.)
     In the aftermath of the Flood, G-d promised man that He would never destroy the Earth. So people assumed they could do whatever they wanted as they had this promise from the Big Guy. They forgot that there was an implied corollary. That is - that mankind could do the job all by itself! And aren't we so proud of that right now as we await for the country to be battered by a huge monster of a hurricane, one of many that seem to be exploding in number round the world, among other natural disasters. Yet the lack-wits, the clod-brains of the world refuse to sees this or rather cannot see beyond their bank accounts to the truth of the matter.
     So we have a town, Elkhart, Ind. which is under great pressure now for the steel and aluminum it uses to build the RVs are rising in price due to the insane tariffs imposed by the lack-wit we have as a President, and the jerk keeps telling us how great a job he is doing! Wonder what the people will say when the layoffs begin as the prices rise and the demands lessen. Clod-brain!
      We have a nation which cannot talk with its own members. We openly revert to hatred and nastiness, threats and demands, with the idea of negotiation and compromise almost 'dirty' terms. We have a President so enmeshed in corruption and investigations that he cannot possibly get out from under and yet, here he is, still in office. What does that say about us, that we allow this? Are we the lack-wits? Are we the clod-brains?
     We have corrupt or inept and biased Federal judges confirmed due to the numbers in Congress. Our judicial system will be warped for decades to come. And as for our priorities, why the lack-wits with the nasty souls who work over in FEMA and other federal agencies, have seen fit to transfer millions, millions! of dollars from their budgetary funding over to ICE. Yes, 10 million from FEMA alone because obviously it is far better to create more child detention storage warehouses, than it is to help people in disasters. So a total of over 33 million has been transferred. Doesn't that make you feel warm and cozy!
     Folks, how much more do we need to read, to groan over, to laugh at with tears just a second away. We have a government of lethal lack-wits, of clod-brains whose thinking processes are warped or nonexistent and tinged quite thoroughly with hatred and nastiness and selfishness and any other negative term you wish to add.
      Ultimately, whose fault is it that we have descended to this point? Ours!! Yes, we have allowed the dedicated public servant to go the way of the model T .We think if we discuss the pathos of a TV show, cable or regular, that is a good substitute for a serious discussion re the status quo of the government or our country. It is not. We are the lack-wits who allowed this to happen. WE are the clod-brains who seemingly cannot or will not find a way out of this. We have lost our courage, tiptoe away from confrontation that must be, for this demented and enraged man who thinks it appropriate to treat a memorial ceremony in Pennsylvania for those who fought and were killed on 9/11 as a campaign stop and pump fists and make yet another of his ugly faces seemingly to be meant as a triumphal expression Uch!!!!!!!
     Could we all please grow up, wise up, think on a higher plane, demand better, and indeed, become the wise and informed citizens we are supposed to be? The alternative? Hate to go there, folks, but you can imagine with just a bit of thought. Not pretty, is it?

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