Friday, September 14, 2018


     What the heck is going on here? Are we that determined to be deaf, dumb and blind and think that life will take care of the issues? Will we continue to think that we can tiptoe through the tulips without a care in the world, ignoring reality till doomsday?
     Apparently so, for the chief elephant in the room is that of an insane President, paranoid to the nth degree, ranting and raving about a deep and secretive state that is out to get him. So determined is this "state" that it actually bandies about a figure of close to 3,000 dead in Puerto Rico after Maria. Why so many? Well, partly the terrain and the difficulty of getting to the mountain communities and isolated dwellings, but putting that aside, what were the efforts to actually get to those places, to speed up the reinstating of electricity, of medical help, of food and water distribution? The answers are - too little and too late. Food and water were left sitting on runways, on docks, to rot. Electricity was supposed to be fixed by a teeny tiny company that had no workers and no experience for this. And as for medical help - sitting a big hospital ship at a dock where no one got to for help - well, screw that help! And this madman shouts how wonderful his efforts were, how great FEMA was. Seriously?
     Meanwhile, the chief criminal in  all this, Trump himself, who could care less as these were "brown" people, screams conspiracy even as he shouts how wonderful the response was and the idiots who refuse to see the truth cheer him on.
     Is it the air we breathe or the water we drink? Why do some persist in supporting a man who is taking away medical coverage from them, telling those with existing or chronic conditions to just die and go away, spending money, billions, on incarcerating children, and actually PAYING Mexico to ship people back to native countries. Never mind that we are shipping people back to dangerous situations. Never mind that we are abnegating our very founding principles. Hey, the only people who were native to this land and who fought in the American Revolution were the native Americans! All the rest came from elsewhere, or their parents or grandparents did - just like most of us!!
     In the meanwhile, the Republicans play dangerous games re judges and especially Kavanaugh. Actually, how can we trust any person who comes recommended by Trump? How? A creep recommends another creep, all the better to destroy us, my dear, and the Republicans of no backbone, of no balls, of no honesty, just go along, ignoring the truths that are jumping right into their laps, into their faces and all the time they are thinking only and always of POWER and its maintenance. They ignore the writing on the wall and dear Lord, what will be when hopefully the Democrats do a pretty damn good job at midterm elections and start asking the questions and demanding the answers that should have been forthcoming before?
     As for now? What will Senators like Collins or Murkowski do? What will Senators like Manchin or Heitkampt do? Will they be honest and of good character, or will they succumb to fear of loss of power and continue to sell our country down the river all so they can maintain a seat in the Capitol?!
     And meanwhile, seriously, why the hell is this man still in office? With any other president we would have been deep into investigations, charges, impeachments, resignations. whatever, to get this shame cleared and cleaned up, but with this guy and his shameful band of followers, well, here we sit with  a deteriorating country, a country on the way to truly deeply incised differences, so deep that we might not be able to heal them, and so deep that we allow incompetence and worse to run the country.
     And while Manafort and Cohen talk deals and cooperation, I think more info is needed, more things revealed and let us get this show on the road. The investigations can continue all the while, but the truth must be brought forth, as they say,  forthwith!! The good people resign or are forced out almost daily, these who see first hand the insanity of this man have usurped the Constitution and are running the country in a grab ass manner and we are sinking into an ever growing and dangerous swamp that Trump has caused to grow and has fertilized lo all these many a day.
     Seriously. What the hell are we waiting for? When will we see the Emperor is naked? I have been saying this for a couple of years already, as soon as he tossed his hat into the rink along with his evil minions who followed suit, or the weaklings who sold out. When? Seriously. Where are our eyes and ears and mouths and  brains? Seriously. Where the hell are they and where the hell are we all? Seriously.

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