Tuesday, September 18, 2018


     What the heck are we doing? We do one thing one day and another diametrically opposed the next. Do we have a clue as to what is truly going on or have we lost total control at this point and need a reboot - and soon, too.
     We have lost the true meaning and  actions of patriotism and patriotic public servants. Our politicians seem to have replaced it with their duties and loyalties to their partisan Parties, adhering strictly to partisan and party lines and storing their consciences somewhere else, deeply hidden from all, including themselves. And as for their levels of supposed maturity, anyone who has taught children will recognize the behavior. It is a thoughtless behavior based on the magic principle that if one denies the truth, why everyone will believe the lie and trouble will pass by the liar.
     This magic thinking is more appreciated in the three year old rather than the supposedly more mature people of Congress and the White House. And yet, they persist in this behavior. Worse, the men add to this nonsensical yet dangerous behavior the habit of men to deny what is right out there for all to see. The hand is in the cookie jar, the crumbs at the corner of the mouth, but they will deny raiding that jar. Why they do this is beyond me, but it is there.
     That is why I tend to believe the accuser of Kavanaugh. Many boys, men, tend to react immediately to thoughts and often exercise little, if any, control over their sexual behavior, particularly if they are drunk and especially if they come from privileged backgrounds. This is the gist of the #MeToo movement, with the truth coming out, the abuse of power by men and make no mistake about it, much of this behavior is about power, with the sex just a means of expressing it.
     The accuser has courage in coming out with her statement, amenable to going public when it all came out. The FBI investigation either did not go deep enough and many other allegedly gray areas of Kavanaugh were brushed over, or they simply did not care. The confirmation hearings were a cruel hoax on the American people and why we should accept anyone appointed by and bearing the stamp of approval of Trump is beyond me. But what the heck, we just bumble our way thru more dark nights and moments for this country.
     Told ya so is in order, unfortunately, for I had rather been wrong in my statements, yet all the pundits now are coming out with what I stated long go. Trump and minions are a danger to our democracy. Trump is eating away at the checks and balances system and gathering the reins of power in his hot little hands. He has cowed the Republican Congressmen of both Houses and forced them through the use of fear and authoritarian techniques to store their souls in mothballs.
     He has upended the global and national economies with his stunning tariffs and caused raised prices and costs to the American household and factories, as the price for raw materials shoots up. We have deserted our allies and watched as Trump bonded with the creeps of the world. We have watched as Trump and his cohorts have rolled back safeguard after safeguard and endangered our health, our livelihoods and our futures. We have stood by as the lunatic runs the asylum.
     So what the heck is going on? I hope, I pray, it is not the sound of bells tolling for us that I am hearing. I hope it is not more steps along the fatal path for democracy here in America. I would rather hear the sounds of families laughing as they are reunited with their children, that children and adults alike will not be declared non citizens because they are of Mexican background and used midwives for birth. I would love to hear the ringing tones of Emma Lazarus's poem on the Statue of Liberty as we welcome immigrants to our country and all they give us. I would hope that I hear the rolling back of tax cuts for the rich and the corporations and yes, the sound of clinics for women, for all, reopening. There is so much to redo, to recapture, to make our country what it is supposed to be. But what the heck? Are we going to take on that difficult task or are we going to sit back and say that "I can do nothing, for I am only one." One and one and one add up and we need all out there to express discontent to our representatives on all levels and for all to get out there and vote and make sure that all are entitled to vote rather than allowing these political crooks to block so many from the right to vote.
     What the heck. We have nothing to lose and all to gain.



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