Friday, October 5, 2018


     The song asks, "How low can you go?" And how appropriate that question is today. Indeed, how low can this Republican party go. Their leader is a self acknowledged pervert, a hater of women, a proponent of awful treatment and behavior with and of women, sued by women, cheats serially on his wives, and makes nasty comments, acts as a disturbed adolescent in his verbalized comments about survivors of sexual assault and those men who have acknowledged their responsibility in   this behavior. In other words, he is demented and a nasty dementia at that. And his behavior in other spheres parallels this all.
     Worse than all that, though, is the fact that along with him he brings other perverted, nasty, low slinging critters whose primary function in life appears to be competing as to who can be the nastiest, lowest critter, who can shed values and morality faster than everyone else, and who can document the greatest loss of moral strength and the greatest growth of cowardice and immorality.
     Amidst the heart rending outpouring of grief, of hidden for years accounts of sexual harassment, from small to major, amidst all this, the male senators of the Republican Party, the creep McConnell, the demented one,Trump, place emphasis on a fake investigation and its results. Once again, Trump has shown the ability and the desire to co-opt all parts of the Justice Department and notice the lack of disturbance about that behavior by those who should be screaming about the danger to our democracy.
    We are warned that the global economy is at risk of imploding and woe upon us if that happens. We read of the death of an important character in the whole Russian investigation and something smells really stinky here. And we read of the unbelievable acts of moral cowardice and self hoodwinking. How can Collins and Murkowski, women, women first before Senator, how can they confirm a man who will overturn or limit Roe v. Wade to the point of uselessness? How can anyone in the Senate say that there is no proof of Kavanaugh's lying and moral turpitude? How can anyone call what the FBI did an investigation, a farce is what it was! And as for Jeff Flake - what a crock! What a fake! His crocodile remorse and face of agita in the elevator - he should get an Oscar for that acting!! 
     How low can we go? Very low indeed. But yesterday I experienced something that gives me hope, that shows that we can indeed raise that bar and there are some great people out there. We went to an event which raised money for Alzheimer's, for research into that, into Parkinson's, into neurodegenerative disorders and these people took the time out on a workday to chat, to clap, to admire a group of day care adults dance, hearing the music through the fog of their minds. There were volunteer dancers who rivaled professionals. There was a mood of yes, we can, rather than the depressed mood that one sees lately where any group of people gather.
     This gives way to the realization that perhaps there is hope to regain our balance here in the country. Perhaps we will be able to stop Trump, even as he walks quite appropriately with a piece of toilet paper stuck to the heel of his shoe. Could not have a better picture and analogy than that!!
     How low can we go? Evidently low enough to confirm a man for forty years of destructive power on the bench; enough to lose our morality, our inner strength, our values; low enough to have to depend on a future - hopefully soon to be future - when a blue Congress will impeach the liar Kavanaugh and nothing to do with sexual assault but with his lying under oath to the Senate about stolen documents. I could care less how we get rid of him, but that sounds as good a way as any! 
     It is up to us to dance the dance. But let us turn it around and ask how high can we go? How straight and tall can we stand in the face of a deteriorating morality? How much strength do we have in our legs and minds and hearts and souls to withstand the onslaught of crooked, immoral and amoral power hungry misogynists and suck ups to a creep? Let us, in these troubled and dark times, show that we can redeem ourselves. Get out there and VOTE!!!! Let your representatives in legislatures, in local offices, let them know how disturbed and upset you are and demand an accounting. Demand justice. Demand that we return to America as she is supposed to be, not a country that eats its inhabitants and its visitors, especially little children!
     Let us turn around that low point of ours and reach the highest point we can achieve. If we do not, we are lost. Permanently. There comes a tipping point and I believe we are perilously close to it. VOTE!!VOTE!! VOTE!!!!!

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