Wednesday, October 3, 2018


     A compost heap or pile consists of organic matter left to decay and then to fertilize a chosen area of growth in a field or garden. The goal is to take what is essentially garbage, waste, and turn it into something good and productive. Evidently we now have a composting theory or principle of government and I wonder how it will turn out!
     Evidently the 'swamp' of Washington was not good enough or roomy enough for the corruption of Trump and crew. They needed more - and thus the compost heap of American government today.
I challenge anyone out there to find anything comparable to this during our history. Perhaps if we go back to the Teapot Dome Scandal of Harding or Watergate or some other passage of history. Perhaps then we can find a comparison to the times of today, but I think not. Today, we have a compost heap of giant proportions. What is it composed of and what do we do with it?
     Today our heap is composed of all those who have sold their souls for the purpose of remaining in office and incidentally destroying our country. It is composed of those who in olden days would have gone to a crossroads and made the deal with the devil! I can just see a new Hieronymous Bosch painting with all of the day's politicians, all those small minded, crooked, heartless, lying creatures all in a heap of little squirming bodies cooking away in the heat of hell.
     Is there not one Republican who has not sold the soul? Jeff Flake admitted at a talk that if he were up for election he would never have asked for an investigation. Is there no one among them with the courage and righteousness of McCain whom some claim as their best buddy? Graham is just nuts, perfectly fit for his place in the compost heap of this administration, - and did you get a look at the face as he was ranting and raving at the hearing - ugly!! along with Cronyn, Trump, Grassley, Cruz and the rest of them and do not forget McConnell.
     Today our compost heap of governmental figures grows by leaps and bounds as politicians willingly and eagerly even throw themselves onto it, just so happy to be part of this corruption, this nastiness. So their leader, the biggest piece of organic waste matter, the magnet to this all, is exposed by others and by his own mouth and behavior, makes nasty comments about Prof. Blasey Ford and one can just about see the smoke rising in America. We have the smoke off the heap and then we have the building fires of anti composting all through the country. 
      And the compost pile grows in exponential fashion as fake investigations are set up, rigged to force a tampered conclusion and all to get a corrupt and characterless creature on the bench of the highest court in the land, a court which has changed our country throughout history, correcting errors of its own and of the legislature and the executive branch, doing its job, no partisanship but today we get a compost pile. And it stinks!
     The pile grows with the accusations and proofs of tax fraud, right from the top down. It grows with the accumulating stories of harassment, even unto rape. It grows quickly when a 1983 letter of Kavanaugh is exposed and such a lovely boy!! And such a lovely man who denies the truth, evades the truth, does exactly the opposite of what a justice is supposed to do. And Trump thinks he can rewrite history, change a think to a thank, put flowers over the compost, and makes believe no one noticed!
     He attacks the world, plays chicken with our navy and China. His NATO ambassador talks of "taking out" missiles of Russia so are we now going to nuclear war?! Is that what will prove to be the largest compost pile ever?
     Professor Ford's lawyer has it right when he calls Trump a "profile in cowardice". This man refuses to face the facts, lies and changes them to fit his pile of ….. and gains energy from the shouts of pain and anguish of children locked up in cells with no beds, just a thin non cuddly blanket and a hard floor or a thin blue mat. It grows with the anguish of people locked up for trying to have the same dream that our families had when they immigrated here.
     We, in America, have allowed the growth of this compost heap and the growth of composting in government but instead of gaining fertilizer for growth, we have allowed the stink of the resulting fertilizer to corrupt our gardens and hearts. We have forgotten what it means to be an American, to stand tall and proud and know that we are doing the right thing and will improve on it as we have always done.
     Time to retire this theory and principle of government, put it back on the compost pile of history, where dangerous and evil are consigned. Time to raise our voices loud and clear and permanently till we get our country back again. Time to demand that Manchin and Heitkamp, Collins, Murkowski and Flake remember their humanity, who they are supposed to be and have courage and stand up for the right! Time to take shovels to that heap, to use our votes as those shovels and get these leavings of history gone, consigned to a pure heap, one that will serve as a reminder to us all that we, too, here in America, came close to losing our country, allowed it to compost in a bad way.
     Civil disobedience? Who knows. Why? Because something needs to be done before we are totally lost and the outrageous plans of Trump et al become fact, like his plan to connect to all our cells so he can talk to us at a time that he considers an 'emergency'. Ugh!!Big Brother in life!!Down with the compost heap and their backward and just plain wrong principle of government. Vote with courage. Speak up with courage. Do the right thing and do not be ashamed at admitting that you cast a wrong vote last time - those of you who did - and you know, the majority was opposed to you!! We honor our heroes - so let us all become heroes of the day and work together to right this wrong pile, this heap of garbage.

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