When we look back at history we often wonder why people did not pickup the signs of oncoming events, why they did not pick up and leave or do something to avoid the danger ahead. Well, it is easy to do that with hindsight, but foresight? Not so easy, not so simple.
Today we have as a President a man who praises violence, who says that a Congressman who body slammed a reporter is a hero, an exemplar to be followed. He calls the free press the "enemy of the people". He persists in calling the Democratic Party the Democrat Party as if to be a Democrat or democrat is an awful thing to be.
He lies through his teeth. He uses body images and physically connected insults on women and is beyond the pale, especially as these insults and comments are coming out of a grown man's mouth and not a third grader. He persists in attacking any and all who come back at him with a remark re his own physical attributes - or lack of them - and behaves as if he were the messiah wronged.
I could care less about his physical looks. Yes, it is weird that we have an orange man for the president. Yes, it is weird that he speaks in a weird manner, pursing his mouth very strangely. Yes, that is all weird, but worse than that is the fact that every time he opens that mouth another lie or hate filled comment comes out. He rules - and yes, I use that word rule purposely as this is what his final aim is - to rule the country, not preside over it in a democratic manner but rather in an authoritarian manner and the hell with the rights of the people, with the purpose of our country.
He and his supporters argue that he cannot be touched because he is a sitting President. Not the fact that he is guilty of massive tax fraud and deceit, sexual assault, alleged collusion, illegal profiting from his position or anything else he has been accused of. Nope, only that he is above the law. Well, no one is above the law. No one. There is nowhere in the Constitution that states that a president is allowed to be a crook for his entire life and have it all overlooked because he somehow got to be President.
But the law and indeed all discourse is twisted today. There are deep conspiracies against him he states and accused the 'Democrat' Party of organizing the caravan of refugees heading our way, a yearly event for many years already, and then dehumanizes them as "criminals". What he should feel is brotherhood with them if that were true for then he could and would bind with fellow alleged criminals!!
His ignorance shows. The fly to that door is always open and it is painful to think that such a man is supposed to represent us internationally. Take the whole DNA brouhaha. It is not done the way he is pushing but rather how much of the gene sequencing one shares with another and it is always different. For example, both my older grandsons share a different amount of sequencing with me. That does not make one more of a grandson than the other, Hear that, moron Donald?
As far as the generation of 6th or 10th, it also does not matter. Tens of thousands go on line every day to do genealogical research, looking for family ties, for ancestor information. Trees go back for generations. I recently had an email from someone we met on another website who told us, showed us, how we were related at the 6th great level. He is a great guy as far as my dealings with him and what I can see online, so yay!!The fact that the great grandmother I finally found, hidden in the masses of Jews killed by Hitler, is a further generation or two away from my children or grandchildren, but that does not make their genetic connection any less. But the ignorant Trump chants idiocy, stupidity, hatefulness and the idiots who follow him leave their intelligence at the door and go down that hole, or directly into the Pied Piper's cave. No thinking, just following, just obeying, allowing his wash of hatred, of lies, of ignorance take them over.
Think the new Halloween movie is frightening? Well, think over the scenario we are now living in and think real hard, evaluate real hard - which is more frightening?
Danger ahead. Warning! Danger ahead! Great peril, life threatening peril! Think and look ahead and let us defeat this peril.
How? You know the answer. Fight, protest, demonstrate, yell and shout and scream but first and foremost..... VOTE VOTE VOTE
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