Thin ice. How many times were we told to not skate on thin ice, real and figurative, and how many times did we do so, despite all warnings? We always thought we knew better and those who warned us had a lack of vision, a lack of courage, while we, of course, did and knew better. Well, today the entire earth is skating on thin ice and the cracking of that ice is audible already; we have seen consequences and there are far more consequential ones in the pipeline.
Have we crossed the point of no return? Many scientists seem to feel that is the case, but can we give in, should we give in? NO! A resounding no. Mankind has always been faced with planetary disasters, be they of natural or manmade causes and we have overcome them, sometimes better than at other times. So what is the difference now?
We used to have a nation, many nations, that prided itself on its progress via science, via the knowledge that it gave us. We advanced through science even if there were mishaps along the way. At times we recognized we were on that wrong way and changed directions, but consistently, as things grew worse, we turned a deaf ear to real and consequential climate change, blaming the increased storms, the flooding, the droughts, the raging fires, the earthquakes, on natural cycles, but folks, it ain't so. Time, no, past time to wake up and try to ameliorate at least some of the damage, stop some in its tracks and apply brainpower to learning how we will be able to live in a much changed world.
But the doubts are there. We have raging lunatics , selfish people, who only see the now represented in their bank accounts, in their insane accumulation of mansions, of their constant desecration of the land for economic resources, particularly those that fill their pockets. As for the rest of the unprotected masses - screw them is the foremost policy it seems.
Do we have a leader who can lead not only us but the rest of the world? Will America lead the way as it has done so many times before? We could, if, a great big if, we had the leader, but instead we have a Demented One, a flyer in the face of truth. No Solomon this man, but instead a madman who is dangerous, who has the qualities and apparent aims of dictatorship by fiat and dictat- his - and the rest be damned. He has no respect for the law, for its boundaries, particularly as they refer to him, his, and his desires, and believes the government is there for his, and only his, desires and needs. And should he commit a crime while doing this - as it appears he perhaps has done many a time - why he then claims immunity due to his position in government. Sorry, but NO ONE is above the law, not national or international.
The man has cowardly traits, goes through life scared of raindrops - might he melt? He speaks nonsense over phones, dangerous nonsense, entangles the rest of the world in his web, including Putin, Duterte, Saudi Arabia and the list goes on, with country after country beginning to fall into the hands of right wing ultra nationalists and as for humanists, where the heck have they gone? Gone to prisons. Been killed. Disappeared. Executed. Frightened and threatened into silence. Where will it end is anybody's guess, but be sure it is not a good area to guess within. Not at all.
There is a book written by his buddies who claim that there are enemies of Trump embedded within the White House itself and various organs of government. True? Not so? Partially so? But so what, for every leader has opponents, but we need not and do not call them enemies and the problem here, is that this man is not normal and cannot live with normality. Period. Paranoia. Physical cowardice. Mental incapacity Lack of morals. Lack of forward, or indeed any kind of positive thoughts and contributions and most certainly not to be trusted, for his opinions and deeds change from one minute to the next. Literally. From one sentence to the next.
How do we break this cycle that is destroying us, literally and figuratively? Shake our heads, clean out our ears, open our eyes, use our brains in a much better way, and do the right thing. Believe in both science and humanity, in the goodness that we have within our souls if we only would allow it to flourish. Follow the example of people who give of themselves, who see the wrongs and try to right them. Otherwise...….
C R A C K !!!!!
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