Tuesday, November 20, 2018


     Falling. Lately, I have been taking a fall more than I care for. I know it is part of Parkinson's but really, couldn't I skip that particular part of it? It is most disconcerting when you are going over because your leg does not get up and over as high as it once did. Thanks to my rehab, Movement, I have learned how to fall and prevent, as much as I can, injures that could occur. But falling off a bed, particularly with force is harder, much. One is usually in the throes of a very active interactive dream and part of it is some physical movement that causes the fall. Suddenly one is flying through the air, rudely woken up, and then soaking aching and bruised areas with ice, with cushioning and whatever needs to be done. Not pleasant. But while it cannot be totally prevented or lessened, I am doing my best to lessen the impact and the frequency where and when I can.
     The other day I watched a video of a baby elephant caught in a deep hole from which he could not extricate himself. Fallen and no button to call for help! But his mama saw him and came to his aid, pushing and lifting and shifting positions until he was out and off they and the herd went together. The herd had patiently waited and given support to the mother. How I wish we humans would do that more often instead of looking at each other as enemies and some babies as future 'terrorists'.
     And we, as humans, as Americans, have fallen into a desperate, yes, desperate, situation, for we are in a deep, deep hole and we seemingly cannot find our way out of it. We have a president who is truly demented, and certainly intellectually challenged. He cannot write nor read on an adult level and when he does write it is with the puerile language and affect of an immature young child of bad character and manners. Such is one of the steps right into our hole into which we have fallen.
     We have a man and the people who mindlessly follow him chanting about locking up Hillary and yet where are these same people, where is Papa, when Ivanka has been doing the same thing only more so. And doing it on an email address that she shares with Jared. Tsk, tsk! Goose and gander, folks, so perhaps we all need to learn that chant another way, huh?
     We have a national leader who has taken us falling deep into a chasm, an abyss which is in the land of no morals, only the value of money. So it is okay for a person to be shredded like discarded paper for Trump thinks that the money supposedly promised to us will be more than enough compensation and motive to ignore morality, to be blind to the vicious murder of a journalist, but what does Trump care about that, for he himself has been oppressing and denigrating journalists every single day!!!  What is next in this particular hole into which we have fallen?
     We have fallen into a miasma of hate and horror.  One moment we hear that the armed forces are going to be home for Christmas, and the next we hear that the rules are being twisted so as to allow standing army soldiers to fight within our borders, to shoot migrants who approach border personnel, and who is to determine who or what is the danger moment but what could spark the first shot I dread imagining. And what can we expect when these migrants, these potential new citizens for our country, are told they are basically worthless and their claims for asylum are denied without even a hearing or maybe a pretense of hearing. Evidently the value of their lives is not worth very much and thank all those volunteers who are pouring into the area to help and advise and the judge who knew what to do.
     So, now that we have thrown the law of posse comitatus down the chute, we had better watch the other hole of this Demented One, taking credit for clairvoyance and predicting bin Laden, dissing the soldiers who bravely went in at risk of their lives and captured him and intel. This is a man who demeans his own intel forces and the hole he digs deeper everyday with his infantile and dangerous behavior has us falling deeper and deeper as well, so deep that I wonder how we will ever dig our way up and out.
     So, can we use the ideals of the Democratic Party? Can we use some of the forward action from these midterm elections? I really do not know as they have already begun to tear themselves apart, try to topple thrones, to threaten to run spoilers in the elections of 2020, one of the reasons why Adams lost in Georgia as the spoiler pulled out too late for her voters to change to vote for Adams. 
     Too little too late but we cannot have that here in the country or the fallen moments will become permanent. So let us all go to rehab, learn to think and see clearly again, and get out of this dangerous national hole into which we have fallen. It is the only path left to us that gives hope for and to a better future, for us and the world, for us and our kids.
    SOC Save Our Country and save ourselves.

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