Monday, November 12, 2018


          Hands down - pictures were powerful this week, more so than words could be. First were the shots in France. Trump walked alone. Literally and figuratively. He walked alone with his umbrella. He walked alone among the leaders of the nations of the world. He walked alone as he sat there in his seat while everyone around him clapped and supported Macron who warned the world of the dangers of nationalism, of fake patriotism, of the "demons" that were reappearing once more in the world 100 years after the end of WWI, which actually never truly ended as the demons remained and grew into WWII and still remain today and are indeed growing still. And there sat Trump, alone, not clapping for Macron's statements and warnings as all around him did so.
     And there are more demons around us. Just look at the nonsense that ill informed idiots believe when they hear nonsense coming out of the mouths of anti democracy advocates and yes, I do mean those opposed to recounts, those opposed to the practice of democracy, those opposed to actually having a true count of votes and making sure that EVERYONE has his/her vote counted. That is America. That is democracy. That is diversity. But these American values are precisely what these Republicans are instigating against, pushing, ever pushing towards their goal of a very limited American democracy. 
     So - nonsense. A box of provisional ballots was found in a closet. NO! A box was found but it contained office supplies for the election such as pens, note paper, tape, etc. More. Oh dearie me! A poll worker used a personal car to deliver ballots to the center. And that is exactly how ALL ballots are delivered, with two people riding in the car of one of them, one a Democrat and one a Republican, thus ensuring no hanky panky. And there is more, so much more garbage that it sickens one. The devil is in the details? In this case the devil is in the lies and misstatements that are purposefully made to induce panic, attacks, hatred, and more divisiveness in our country.
     From Kris Kobach and his campaign where logic was supposed to check itself outside the door, to the ballot counting in Arizona, the war against democracy continues. The Republicans shout interference where there is none and I wonder what they will shout should a recount point to a Republican candidate winning. Oops! That would be foot in mouth, would it not?! Where there was definite interference, in the 2016 campaign and election, the Republicans, who benefitted from it and even allegedly welcomed it, did not complain other than to lie once more and say it was for Clinton! Huh!!Weird, they are!
     And now to nature, reflecting the devils and demons in man's world and one has to wonder. One truly does. I am for sure not a fundamentalist of religion. I do not believe in many superstitions. I do not spit, or throw salt, or knock wood or avoid ladders - and yes, avoid cats but that is because I am allergic to their dander! But when one views pictures of the fires in California that were taken from space, one sees an opening into the fires of hell. The smoke and the flying ashes. The roaring of the fires. The flames, the flames. Truly it is the mouth of hell and we, the people, are allowing these openings. We are inducing conditions that lead to these fires. We are ignoring earthquakes and tsunamis and powerful and intense hurricanes and typhoons. We are ignoring the rising waters of the oceans. We are ignoring the disappearing island nations and the coasts of countries throughout the world. We are playing blind to the desertification of so much land and the consequential increase in refugees fleeing the unlivable lands to places of food and water and safety as people war over the dwindling resources for life.
     Get the feeling that someone is sending a message to us? Or get the feeling that this is a real life dress rehearsal for the world of Mad Max, for apocalyptic worlds? And yet here we are. Continuing to destroy ourselves, allow the rainforests, the lungs of the world to be cut down, allow the overdevelopment of our own countries and neighborhoods as we infringe on our nature reserves, on our watersheds and why? Why? For profit for the fatcats, for the 1%, for the Trumps and their minions. Who are the devils and demons? Who are the representatives from a hell which is of, in many instances, of our own making? Take your choice, folks. Spaceship Earth is dying at a rate which we will soon not be able to stop. We are destroying ourselves along with it and in so many ways. We have lost our way, physically and emotionally and for sure morally.
     Supernatural? Natural causation? A mixture of the two? I can just imagine G-d and His angels sitting up there with tears rolling down their faces, such as they are, mourning the errors of mankind and the dangers they are in and in fact, the dangers they themselves have wrought in so many cases. So which way will we choose? Where will we go? Do we have a chance to correct the errors and save ourselves? Do we have the courage, physical and moral courage, to take the steps needed? I, for one, recognize that we need help and from whence will that help come? Well, continuing on the supernatural theme, there is that verse, that Psalm's verse which states that "I will lift mine eyes to the mountains from whence will come my help." Take your choice. Make your choice. But understand the consequences.

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