Sunday, December 30, 2018


     Ever feel as if you are living inside a land filled with talking bunnies, enmeshed in uncomfortable situations? Well, that is the novel, but we are not bunnies, are we? We cannot rely on some author somewhere, somehow, at some time, coming up with the cure, the panacea, for all that is troubling us. Nope. But we can. We can if we put our heads together on the issues and realize once again that we are ONE country, one America, and we need to regain that identification rather than keep the political demarcations that have now come to define and separate us.
     First and foremost is the step we must take, to acknowledge where we have gone wrong. The constant echoing of political interference from foreign countries in our elections, the heart of our democracy, should send shivers down the spine. WE are what we wish to be, or at least should be, and not what the techies and malevolent planners of Russia or North Korea or China wish us to be. We are not to be recreated in their images nor in the images of dictators throughout the world. In fact, it is anathema to the mind to think that we could lose our democratic institutions, our rights, our very lives, if we do not wake up.
     It just about boggled my mind to hear the farewell addresses of Senators. Time after time they each addressed the need for unity, for repairing of the Senatorial environment, to fix what is wrong within our government. Yet for most of these people, particularly Republicans, what hypocrisy! So Flake mouthed off again, but when push came to shove he voted right down along the Party lines. He pulled himself out of the business by retiring, yet still blew the freedom he had to vote his conscience and instead voted his Party.
     Now, these same people are whining about Trump! Where the hell were they these past three years? How did they even allow such a person to get on the ticket, him and the dead eyes mama's boy, Pence? Why did they not speak out against his misdeeds, his ignorance, plead or beg for forgiveness for doing this to us and the world ? Why did they not admit his actual evil, that which pervaded his every word and deed? Why did they all suddenly become little chattering chickens with no moral backbone, no hint of any courage? Did he have something on all of them?
     Well, now the Democrats have the House, but in the long term of it - so what? The Senate will be free to keep stuffing the judiciary with unqualified dyed in the wool deep conservative judges who will ruin our country for decades to come. The House will have nothing to say about it.
      The House can come up with even brilliant legislation, try to rewrite the discarded protective laws, try to reinstall humanity in our immigration system, remind people that anyone who comes to our borders and requests asylum MUST be granted a hearing and not be told they are criminals or even worse, harboring those dangerous terrorists in training - the little kids!! 
     So the House will be progressive but where will the bills go when it hits the Senate with the Republican majority and even should there be a miracle and both Houses agree, ha! That demented and cold soul will veto every single one of these bills until he gets his way.
     Meanwhile, McConnell tries to play cutesy as he hides out in his home state and the Demented One now says that he is waiting for someone to come back to DC and make an agreement to restart the government. Bull…..! And then to make things even more frightening for the federal employees, most working joes just like the rest of us, are running out of money and he heaps insult on injury as he freezes their pay. So who benefitted from his "keeping the promise" to change the tax system? All his fatcats, all the crooked, the corrupt, the greedy that he brought into the smelliest swamp ever! At present he is just like his BFF Putin, he who rewards his loyal followers and then throws others under the bus if they threaten his control of the money streams of Russia.
     This government, this administration, stinks to the heavens. It pervades the very air of the country, and notice how almost none of the standard comedians talk political jokes as the situation is so edgy. They all say up front that they are not talking politics. That is awful, a shutdown of our freedom of speech as everyone has become afraid to speak up and out. It remains for the newsmen and the pundits, the late nite show hosts, to speak out. And in the meanwhile, we govern or are governed by an illiterate person who takes his guidelines from Fox News.
     Watership down? United States down? Think about it, folks. Where will we be in two years. This demented thing masquerading as a thinking and caring person plans to run again and I wonder if we will finally demand a full health examination and evaluation. Probably not if we continue on this path. Will we even survive as a true democracy if this man remains in office for the next two years? Can we survive if the two Houses of Congress are at odds with each other, as strongly and definitively as the sides of the Civil War.
     And what will take the place of the vacuum in our country and the world? China? Russia? North Korea? A union of dictators from around the world? An invasion by the countries of South and Central America, plagued by economic shutdown and starving people amid rampant violence? Oh, the scenarios are many are they not, but none are inviting. So let us get back on track beginning now, right now. Demand, demand, demand that your DC representatives do the right thing and return to being American citizens once more. Have the courage of so many in the world who are fighting the extremist and hate filled trends. Make your children and grandchildren proud of you as we rebuild the country. If not...………...

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