Wednesday, January 16, 2019


     The odor is beginning to overwhelm the people. Corruption, greed, selfishness, cronyism, nepotism, incompetence - all have happened before with administrations being afflicted with one or more of these issues. So what, then, is the big deal with all these things being present in the administration or whatever that passes for in DC? Well, first of all, it is that ALL these negative issues are present at one and the same time. Second, the intensity of these issues is to such a degree that nothing has come close to it.
      Finally, or at least third, in today's blog posting, is the act that NEVER before in our history has the President , the sitting president, of the country, ever been accused of being a knowing or unknowing stooge for the Russians, selling out his ostensible homeland. The questions that arise are myriad in number, but chief among them is why? Why would someone so obviously sell out his country or allow it to be pulled right out from under him as he mimes being a leader?
     But the odors come from other issues as well. How have we arrived at the point where we are inducing or supporting or allowing modern day slavery to a gross degree, never before seen in modern times, at least in this country. Yes, Orbach of Hungary wished to have employees forced to work 400 hours overtime with no compensatory pay. And here we are, right here in the good old USA, we have our own version. This nasty soul called Trump sits there with his typical pose of hands crossed over his chest, a pouting mouth and a dull face, and states that he can force federal employees to return to work - unpaid of course! Wow, his cake and eating it too. Keep the 'shutdown' even as staff is forced to return in a modern day slavery system. I would not fault these people if they all called in sick!
     The question is why can they not sit down and work out a deal. Simple. There is no one to talk to there. McConnell has removed himself from the situation, wiping his hands clean of it, even as he and other would be negotiators, refuse to talk, or cannot find people with whom to talk, even as they get their pay. No worries for them!
     So, yes, the fast food king of DC has asked them to lunch at the WH. Guess he is feeling lonely what with no one there. But the Democrats back out, refusing to sit down and break bread together and I do not blame them. This is on the ledge politics and if given in to, will be the go to method for the next two years - unless we get rid of the destructive moron first! So Dems have to stand pat, certainly so if the Republicans steadfastly refuse to pass anything that Trump will not sign. So who is ruling the roost? Who has given up on the Constitution and our system of government? Look for the elephant in the room, my friends. It is sitting right there.
     How to deal with a possible traitor, demented, anti social, prejudiced person even as he is rending the country? Give him a CAT scan and prove his dementia and then remove him for cause. Prove in open court that he is a criminal, force him out via resignation, impeachment or Article 25. Prove he is a traitor, willingly or not, for if not willingly, he has just proven his lack of ability to perform his duties, the main one of which is to protect the country and its Constitution. If he cannot do that or does not want to do that, he must go. Now. And if it is indeed willingly then OMG!!!!!!!!!
     If the Republicans would develop some backbone, some courage, some sense of morality, some sense of responsibility to their constituents, this crisis would be over. We could work together to solve this created immigration crisis. We could work on truth being the relevant part of conversations and not made up 'facts'. Sure, the late night hosts would have to find another topic, but I am sure they would happily do so, for the situation is becoming untenable.
     So sniff away and realize the growing stench. Realize that this stench is corrupting the whole country, encouraging the wrong side of issues and the growth and outing of hatemongers. Words lead to daring to test those words and the opportunities that arise. That leads to worse and worse actions and deeds, and that leads to the burning of all things that espouse a differing opinion. And that leads to, as the saying goes, to burning people and unfortunately we have seen much of that already in violent deaths inflicted upon people that some consider to be 'others' and hence, worthy of being killed - no, in fact, deserve to be killed.
     The overwhelming stink is that of the decomposition of our country, our honor, our principles, our very souls and minds. Are we willing to go along with this? Are you willing to go along with this? I hope not, but then the next question - where does that leave the country and its citizens? The stench of gunpowder is awfully evil in large doses and I prefer we avoid it. Can we? Can we avoid the civil war that so many are concerned about? We must. We must. We must.

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