Monday, February 18, 2019


          For the most part my blog has been consumed with the greater danger - Trump and his minions. However, there comes a time when we must turn to the local situation and get a grasp on it as well. Our local situation is the entity called UCO, right here in Century West Palm.
     For too long there has been a dictatorial situation here in the Village and that drives the situation into worse levels year after year. Once there was a firm term limit on officers, but this man, so enamored of himself, could not give up this presumed link to power, such as it is, and manipulated the system - a skill he has and uses for dastardly purposes - and has been in there multiple terms and the Village has suffered greatly for it.
     There is barely any interest at all in being part of UCO for delegates or volunteer positions. There is very little room to maneuver unless one pays homage to the man, bends the knee, so to speak, and agrees with all he has to say. If not, one will be shown the door and saluted with nastiness, in front of and behind the back of. The insults can be sung, yelled, snarkly stated and even made from the dais at Assembly. Anyone who raises an objection, a question, who seems to challenge an idea or has ideas as to how to improve a situation is deemed a troublemaker and been called worse. On the purported blog of the Village, which is actually his own private blog, the man prints insults and then when called on it, removes it and plays dumb. He puts down his recommendations and calls all those who do not make his list troublemakers, dissenters, rioters and worse.
     Revenge is a favorite theme of his. Lack of forethought and lack of hindsight, questionable, very questionable, contracts are made and we, the Villagers, have to pay the consequences. We, like the citizens of America, are denied the papers we are entitled to, and told so with a smirk that one truly itches to wipe off his face.
     Meetings to explain, to be transparent, are few and far between, with agreements often made privately and then foisted upon us. Delegates are given not enough time to read and absorb terms of contracts yet asked to vote on these huge outlays on a minute's notice. Committee members are chosen on the basis of obedience and if not - off with the head! No assignment, no job. And thus we have revolving clones, members of committee after committee and the officers vote multiple times on the same issue. There is never any chance of getting anything through as he controls it all and his little puppets vote as they are told.
     So what has happened? There is a constant lack of quorums at the assemblies and even Executive Board meetings and others. Why? Because what is the use? There is a great sense of apathy for nothing happens anyway, so rigged is the joint against the residents. Information is withheld and just about the only one I see doing a good job, working hard at it, is Don Foster. Any questions and we get harangued, lectured, insulted and worse. So now the Village is being run by a smaller Assembly and soon it will be smaller and smaller, less use to the Village, a joke, actually. The press is suppressed here as wished by someone else and perhaps the new editor will allow opposition pieces, op -eds, but somehow I doubt it. Other newspapers are allowed, as long as it is not The Messenger, a paper put out by residents of the Village, but as with all dictatorial situations, not allowed in the Clubhouse and has to be distribute elsewhere. Why? Because the man is paranoid and can not tolerate any opposition, any chance of truth hitting the light. 
     The apathy is catching on with more and more. There are groups that will shout for their own interests, selfishly demanding hundreds of thousands of dollars be spent on their issues - tennis courts, pickle ball courts, disrupting the village by construction, and yet there is no interest in helping to run the Village and it is understandable for it is of no avail. Why bother to volunteer? Why bother to open oneself up to insults and personal attacks?
     And thus we have the lack of follow through, of the land of excuses as for example, why the roads are being repaved piecemeal - so many roots of trees, ya' know. We have no lane markings in the roads off the main perimeter road and people just zoom through and it is often a game of chicken - who is moving over, just as there seems to be little or no discipline on the main roads. Kill the pedestrian. Five points? or bike in the street, wheelchair in the street rather than the sidewalk - what you get five points for getting yourself hurt?
     We have lost our way here and the main cause sits there in the back office of UCO, contemplating more mischief and wrongdoings, false ideas and projects and leaving us more and more in a bad situation as there is very little new blood, and the new names are mainly followers, rather than out of the box thinkers with the courage to stand up with their ideas, and the various associations cannot even find people to be active board members! But watch what happens next Friday when suddenly close to 300 delegates will come to vote. The stench of it all! The reeking of the questionable means by which these people are found and the impossibility of getting a true list of who and where they are from and when their position was taken and where the hell are they all year!
    Why are there no volunteers? Why no candidates for office, as in the Executive Board when suddenly AFTER it was closed there was suddenly about eight more candidates. Stinky, folks, stinky.
     Dear Lord, but we need a clean sweep of officers. Next year is the time to replace this old president. Time to change. Time to rearrange. Time for one vote per resident owner and this man's unpopularity will get him gone - so now do you understand the delay in getting this done? It is our Village. Ours! Not the personal property of someone.


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