Tuesday, February 26, 2019


     Honest Abe. Washington and the cherry tree. Folk tales, apocryphal stories perhaps, but they do emphasize the fact that honesty is among the American values we cherish. So honestly, where the hell is that honesty today? Sitting in the Oval Office we have the prime violator of honesty, a man who lies with every breath, who woul not recognize truth if it hit him in the face, and sitting here in our UCO building we have another man who often tells a lie or is it avoiding the truth?
    The prime rule of their behavior appears to be - remember to keep the others in the dark, deny, deny, deny, and hope for the best. Well, it does not work. How many times will both of these men deny what is right there, manipulate and threaten in order to get their way, push and push against the will of the people until their desires become the law of of the land or the law of the Village?
     Call those who oppose one's views or desires names, call them violators of peace, disrupters, if you will, repeat that every day and watch those who fall for this mimic their every 'mistruth'. Obviously, the Village comes nowhere in ranking of importance to the fate of the nation and the world, but to most of us, it is the world that we know, that we live in on a permanent basis or for much of the year, and hence, troubles here affect us greatly - honestly!
     So Trump et al refuses to hand over papers, demands that he and his control investigations into his nasty shenanigans, or those of his favorite buddies, such as Labor Secretary Acosta who worked out such a good deal for a pervert molester of children who just happens to be a rich dude oh so friendy with Trump. Hmmmm. And how about our own CV where numerous requests for release of documents resound in an echo chmaber - no, no, they are not yours, we won't, we will not, too bad or after many moons and possibly tampered documents are released and second hand at that. I know personally, for when I requested original voting ballots it was as if I asked for the keys to the kingdom!
     But that was yesterday right? But yesterday has segued into today. Time and time again we voted against the AB proposal and yet here we are, three months away from Comcast cutoff, the largest company in this business, poised to grow even more, as we invited in and laid out the red carpet for a small company that has damaged much of the Village infrastructure in its vaunted 'horizontal drilling' which drilled so successsfully into pipes of all types and shredded the vegetation. Yes, they say it will all be fixed - just hope that the punch list is resolved a whole lot better than the disaster of the road paving - the disaster that we are living with right now as the roads crumble, the stripings of the lanes are nonexistent off the perimeter road, but hey, breathe easy, for we have replanted the area around the UCO buiding more times than I can count!! And repaint it oh so nicely. So what will happen on D-Day here when only one third have signed up for appointments? Now how will our glorious local leader be able to pin the blame for this on his favorite target, Ed Grossman, the unique 'disruptor' who demands answers, spends his own funds liberally to publish a truth telling paper, to dig for the truth.
     Now Ed is running for VP office and Dave, in his ultimate lie, the fake Village blog which is actually his own bully pulpit, deems all those who will not follow him blindly, without question, as disruptors. No, they are not. They are often truth seekers, demanders and chasers of the truth and it makes David very uncomfortable. Too bad! So.... I would tell you to do just the opposite of what he says on that blog and vote for the names he does not support. Or choose very carefully among them. The ones he leaves out are good people. I know, for many are my friends and one,in particular, I know very well. He is my husband, an independent person, who stands up there at the mic when he has a question, asks politely for an answer or makes  a comment, uses please and thank you, and never gets into a shouting match or fight. So, David, how are Gerry and the others you malign 'disruptors'? Shame on you. People, vote for those who have fought for you, who tenaciously chase after the truth, face and reject the abuse they face from David's mouth and typing fingers and the related 'support' of Lanny as he brownnoses oh so nicely. Vote for Ed. Vote for Olga.Vote for Carol.  Vote for Marcia. Vote for Gerry. Vote for Dave Torres, vote for those who would defend you, yes, ask the harsh questions when they must, but who would be there to serve you - not themselves. Do not vote for those who have proven time and again that they are the automatons of David, with no minds of their own.
     As for the national liar in chief well, he has gotten us into one fine mess after another, raised the acceptance of prejudice and violence, reached new heights of intolerance, cannot seem to keep his hands or mouth off of women, seemingly seems to have an emptimess between his ears, loves Fox News and his gurus Hannity et al, and for the piece de resistance, he has now pushed his buddy, Putin, into delaring the list of American targets that Russia has and that they could hit in less than five minutes with their new missile. Oh, please, Donny, keep on irritating all the world, even your best friend. Please keep putting us in danger. Please keep intimidating your Republicans and those fake Democrats like Manchin and Jones. Please keep on the path of destruction so that perhaps even as the world is consumed with poverty and war, destroyed by naure's catastrophes that we have caused and denied. I guess sometimes it is good to erase the slate and start over and you certainly are pushing whatever Power there be to do just that!
     The lies, the dishonesty, the devaluation of honesty, the crises that arise from this dishonesty - when and how do we stop it? We make our own clean slate, erase the office holders who have caused so much trouble, and vote in fresh and honest voices, people out to seve the people, not themselves. People who will put the benefits of others before their own. People who realize that actually, the needs of the people are their own needs for they are OF the people and do not hold themselves aloof from them.    
      Honestly, people, the choice is ours even as the time has come. Choose wisely and well. Choose boldly and for the benefit of your worlds, both national, global and local. Think and choose unselfishly for as hard as the road might be as necessary corrections and repairs are done, the results will be infinitely better, open and transparent, with a government run by honest, courageous people. Honestly.
     The same 

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