Friday, February 1, 2019


          Flying when being attacked by a virus is no fun. The ears protested. The teeth in my mouth ached! My nose was running so fast I thought I would have to chase it and as for the headache.... Well, at least the coughing was under control, squelched by two pills so no one thought I should be locked away somewhere.
     When we arrived and settled in, I thought it would be a good idea to check the news for an idea. My head was empty, disappointing me in my hour of need. What to write about? What? Writer's block? Me? Moi? Can't be and yet there it is.
     I came across an article written by Deborah Lipstadt about the growth and the depth of the current state of anti Semitism. She should know for she was sued in England and was quite victorious in the suit. But what was most depressing was the fact that Jews are now targets for mortal attacks with new ones being planned. Here, in America, the Goldeneh Medina, the hope for the thousands of Jews trapped in Europe under pogroms, blood libels, rapes (and no, Donny, not by Central American immigrants!), loss of family members through killings and a place of hope was desperately needed.
     And so they left Europe in droves and went to England, Australia, South Africa, South America, Cuba, and yes, the United States. Wherever they could get in, there they went and when havens were so truly needed, the gates of the world were shut. Yes, some countries picked over the lot, taking artists and scientists, musicians, but as for the little people - their chances were slim to none. The only country that wanted them, needed them, Palestine under the British Mandate, was blocked by the British both before, during, and after the Holocaust, even as Jews were still being killed for daring to have come back alive and refugees were sent by the British to yet another prison camp or, most horrifically, sent back to Germany. Can you imagine the suffering, the torments this meant for these survivors?
     And today? Anti Semitism is a growth industry. Sign up, open one's stupid and dangerous mouth and there ya' go. News coverage and all, especially if you decide to say that you back Trump, back his evangelical extremism, especially with religious issues. And remember, evangelicals support Israel, but they are not crazy about Jews and just listen to a few of the leaders as they speak garbage and hatred about them. And why support Israel? So that the Jews will all go there and then the second coming of the messiah will be upon us - or so their belief goes and if we do not all go? Interesting, yes? Please note that this is  not meant to bash all evangelicals with a bad rep, just those who deserve it.
     When people mix religion and politics it is not good. I understand Pence, the Devil's Spawn, thinks I am evil, a barbarian, because of my opinion on the abortion issue. No one is FOR abortion. No one gets up one day and says, oh what a good day for an abortion. It is a hard and heartbreaking decision that is made after considering all issues involved. It is not anti life either, for there is no pregnant women who does not feel her heart and soul being ripped out if she has to undergo an abortion. How do I know? Because at one point I thought I might have to have one and for two weeks of indecision and fact finding, I was depressed beyond words. Thankfully, it was not necessary but the feelings of what might have to be still leave a scar on my soul. But the choice belongs to the women. Not to the man who is afraid of women, who will not meet with women, or to the man who thinks he can grab the private parts of women and they should thank him for that privilege. Men are not told whether they can sire a child or not, have no responsibilities when they do, and the women are left holding the bag, no matter the future.
     Follow the trail after these 'do - gooders' who cause more harm than anything else, especially when they frighten those entering a woman's clinic, or even killing a doctor provider, or blowing up a clinic or refusing to fund Planned Parenthood which provides so much other help and care to women,  so now what do they do for this poor woman, forced to have a child with major and costly care needed? Do they provide caretakers? Do they give extra funding for special foods, for household needs, babysitting so other children can be serviced by their mother, or for the mother to get a soul saving break? No - for instead they threaten the social safety net denying funds or calling these people in need all sorts of nasty names. The hypocrisy of it all!
     The head is still ranting so I gotta' get it out. What to do when the children of a man who is president but manifestly should not be, follow in his footsteps, follow crooked pathways in  business and now are involved in a suit against the and their father for fraud, for cheating, for lying, for scamming. Ah, the father must be so proud as they follow in his footsteps. And the corruption, cheating, criminal incompetence, cronyism that are running wild through the halls of Washington are totally disgusting. And yet there is more everyday. Trump wants to change working regulations so children can work more hours and isn't that a good break for hotel owners, business owners and other "Trump People" as he himself called them. Somehow I think that the President and the government of the United States are supposed to serve ALL the people? I must be nuts, huh?
     At wars of words and deeds with practically the world, the US is now in  a precarious situation. Mutterings about this Demented One and his crew of minions are becoming louder and with stronger words. People are voicing opinions and suggestions and they are not advocating Ring around the Rosey!!
     So, is it all in the head or is it reality? But whatever, my head is truly aching and I need Advil and bed. Or couch. Whichever I find first.
      Hope your day is better than mine but at least I have my kids- some of them - with us. That is worth a headache any day of the week.

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