Friday, February 15, 2019


     Nope, not talking about the Mamma Mia hit song, but rather the new and ugly face of money within this present administration. In addition to the wastage and highway robbery of the various Secretaries, the ego spending of theirs, their avaricious behavior with their old fields of work, there is a cruel and crude attitude towards money within this administration. It drives it to the point of indecency and brings shame upon us all.
       First and foremost, most telling about the fall from grace that has overtaken our country is the shameful immigrant issue. In fact, it is so shameful that if one looks at it properly, we have descended into the very depths of moral disintegration as we sell humans once again in order to raise funds. There are still thousands of children being held in a huge tent city, under federal controls so no welfare inspections, no educational strides, no proper supervision, no proper psychiatric care. What is even worse, boding more evil for the future, is the fact that more beds are being brought in, more huge tents being placed upon the land, more guards brought in to watch over these 'dangerous' future criminals, you know, those crying five years old, the three years old who still need diaper changes, and the teenagers who tried to escape violence only to find themselves being used as coins for profit.
     Yes, these kids are being bought from the federal government as they are placed in a for profit corporation's custody. They are being sold. Period. Everyone takes a bite of the apple - the government, the company, the workers doing shameful work and we should all hang our heads in shame. No slave market auction as such, but what else is this other than slavery, the marketing of human beings for profit and worst of all - these are children!!!!!
     And the money theme continues to carve its way through the rest of the administration. The rich got their tax cuts, the companies received windfalls of filthy money, the middle class got screwed as they now realize that their taxes have gone up, the poor are told that they might as well starve and quickly, please, as they are wasting our money, the American Dream has been killed for money purposes, trade purposes, that are screwed up anyway, our national debt goes up another trillion dollars with no end in sight, so at least there are happy fatcats! and now Trump, denied his awful funds for that stupid wall, is planning on raiding the piggy banks of the nation to build it!
      And the nation? For the sake of stealing funds that are eminently not necessary, for the sake of proving the power of the wallet, the power of imposed fear, we are headed into a constitutional crisis such as we have never seen before and worse, we now have the pervert Kavanaugh on the bench and 83 twisted and incompetent Trump judge appointees on the bench. Woe for us. Woe for the future of our country. Woe upon the future of the world. All for the sake of money and its conferred power.
     Jews are being cursed again, blamed for globalism, for money misuse, and by a Congresswoman no less and her supporters. The President is deemed "off the rails" on these issues, seven year old little girls on lockdown are writing last minute messages to parents, how they love them in case they are killed during this bomb threat lockdown. But gun control? Nope. Money, money, money. Filthy money. Money that should have no place here, for there can be a sane gun policy wherein rights are not breached and lives are not lost, especially our kids sitting at their desks.
     Money, money, money. The Trump Organization has to cancel its last remaining hotel agreement due to the fact that there is increasing watching over his business and the improper use of it, its growth potential, using the position of President to grow more money. At least this has had some positive impact here. And the excuse of showing 'deference' to the President, entrusting him with the right to run rampant over the Constitution, to sell children, to build walls - no, got to go. Money can not be, most emphatically can not be, the ruling principle, the driving motor of this government, of these United States of America.
     Yesterday I took a look at the bookmark I am using, from Yad Vashem, and the theme is remembrance, "let no Holocaust victim be forgotten". It follows that with a quote from a child, a teen, lost to this murderous era, to criminal people, all so that money, money, money, flowed through the German economy. It is from the last letter he wrote in the ghetto of Vilna in 1941, as the Germans undertook the 'work' of killing 90% of the Jew of Lithuania, amongst them my family of over 200 people, on my father's side. He wrote - "I should like someone to remember that there once lived a person named David Berger." Well, we will remember him and other victims, and we will not sell our souls for money and more important, we will not let others do that, to reinstate slavery in whatever form. All for money.
     This cannot be. This will not be It must not be.

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