Monday, March 11, 2019


     There is great anger in that title. When I have a serious talk with my kids about the possibility, the nearing certainty, that it is time for us to move again, to join the throngs of history as we are forced to leave yet another country, then it is time to speak the truth and not tiptoe around it.
     Hatred has been an ever ongoing human trait since Cain killed his brother, Abel. The idea of the 'other' has been demonstrated throughout history as humans feared that which they did not know or understand and attacked, instead of trying to understand.
     And today there are many instances of stupidity, hatred, prejudice, enmity, at times and places where there should be none. And no one is denying that there is anti Muslim, anti LGBTQ, anti Latino, anti whatever one wishes to find or that exists under the sun, but the one prejudice that stands out as different is anti Semitism. It is a hatred of Jews that has been in existence since the first one, Abraham, and his tribe.
      Why? Who the hell knows. Great minds have tried to explain it, but there is no explanation for an illogical, yet at times, carefully orchestrated prejudice, one that throughout history has culminated in physical attacks, even a scientific plan to murder all, every single one, and plans were even drawn up for the destruction of Jews in Britain, the United States and Canada, populations checked, for so ambitious were the plans of Hitler and so deep was the hatred, the rancor against Jews. No rhyme, no reason, no sense, just there in a virulent manner and plan of action.
     Anti Semitism has the dubious distinction of being state sponsored. From the mouth of the Czar and his ministers, from the mouth and orders of the Popes and the highest Cardinals, from the sheikhs and imams of the Moslems and the designation of the Jews as dhimmi, second class citizens, to the implicit and even overt discrimination against Jews here in America at Ivy League schools, in professional schools, in jobs, in housing - all there.
     Worse, is that today, with all the mouthings of tsk, tsk, and we oh so love our Jewish brothers, it is all bullshit!! The world, including my country, or the one that I mistakenly thought was mine, that had been a refuge for my people, that had allowed us to thrive despite all facing us, has gone head over heels in the propagation of anti Semitism once more.
     With the economic situation of the world in an uncertain place, well, blame it on the Jews. Dust off the old tropes and canards of history and focus the unease of the people on the historical scapegoats. Ignore the human rights violations all over the world even as we finance huge projects in these countries, call them allies even as they are truly enemies of ours, and focus the uncertainty of the people on one group that has always been there for governments enmeshed in problems. Yes, there they are - the Jews. Always. For it seems that no matter what has been done, when we were absolutely being hunted down to be slaughtered to the last one, to the last drop of Jewish blood, we have survived. What's more, we have given so much to the world in so many fields, from logic to entertainment, from philosophy to sports, from business to philanthropy, and everything in between and yet, we are less than a percentage point of the world's population.
     So why this bullshit? Why this cowardice to admit that no, sticking the word Jew in an omnibus catch all resolution means NOTHING. It says nothing. It was diluted past the point where any point was made. And yes, all prejudice is awful and even evil and stems from a place of misunderstanding, ignorance, malicious manipulators, but never has there ever been such a hatred as anti Semitism, so much so, that even when one tiny country was set up in 1948 to serve as a homeland, a Jewish state, where Jews were actually welcomed, where the shreds of Jewry that remained after Hitler were able to find a home, where the refugees from the lands of the Middle East were welcomed and yes, that state made many mistakes - as do all the nations of the world. But never, never, has the world gone after any other state as they have done with Israel. Violators of human rights head a ridiculous Human Rights UN Commission and take off after Israel. Bullshit!!!The state needs to be destroyed, cut down, have sanctions, be ostracized and isolated among the peoples of the world. So we are told.
     What is all this but anti Semitism, no matter what name of disguise one affixes to it. Is it anti religious? Perhaps for some. Is it anti race? Maybe, for some. Is it jealousy? Maybe, for some. Is it a political tool for some? Definitely. Is it illogical, hateful, and seemingly eternal, different from all other hatreds? Absolutely, and anyone who denies that, who remains blind to that, either through ignorance or through virulence is wrong, incredibly so.
     And when anti Semitism rears its ugly head in my country, when I am deemed a dubiously loyal citizen, when my people are trashed and even killed in my country, when our property and institutions are vandalized and threatened, when we fear for our children and have locked doors and  armed guards, when we look around once more to see if it is safe to walk around with Jewish identity clear, then yes, maybe it is time to go,  again.
     When the cowards of the House passed that weakened and meaningless resoluton it was worth less than nothing. It was disrespectful and hateful, yes, hateful, for it demeaned, debased and belittled the violent anti Semitism that has now openly and even proudly entered into the House. The cowards refuse to step up for the truth. Omar, Tlaib and AOC need to be taken down several pegs, stripped of seats on committees, deemed incapable of doing the right thing when it comes to Israel and the Jews, and the members of the House and the Senate need to turn aside the hatred that comes from the top and the bottom, from the right and the left, cut the bullshit and ring out with the truth. Only truth and light shed upon a subject allows one to cleanse ourselves of this and other nastiness. I have long spoken about prejudice, railed against it, but anti Semitism is in a class of its own and for sure it is not a good class to be in.
     So Democrats and Republicans - the call is out to you. Democrats, where the hell are you? Why have you allowed this? Have you, too, lost your moral spines? Republicans, I never expect much of you at this point, but surely there is some spark of morality left there. And as for the weak and cowardly Jews who side with their haters, what the hell is the matter with you! The Judenrat went to the ovens, the Jewish Police went to the ovens with their families, for there is no escape and our enemies are just that - not our friends at all.
     So bullshit on all this tiptoeing around. Bullshit on all this waffling. Bullshit on all this moral cowardice. And to hell with Omar and her hatred. Go rail against the Shabab in her native land. But do not turn on the country and the people who welcomed you, who saved you from your own people. I would even bet that there were Jews among the people who helped you settle in to this country! Stop espousing hatred, along with Tlaib, and AOC, you may have some brains but you have a lot to learn and it is better to shut up and listen than spout off with dangerous nonsense.
     And bullshit on the world if once again they allow this. If once again it is deemed okay - no, the best thing - to take off against the Jews, against the Jewish state, to disguise and hide the true problems of the world under a curtain of bloody hatred. What? Do I take the armband I have from the Holocaust and put it on? Where does this end? How does it end? Hopefully not mired in the bullshit it is today. But I am not optimistic. Not at all.

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