So just where are we headed and are we truly moseying? Frankly, I believe we are on the road of getting what so many of us seem to want and even deserve, even as the rest of us will be quite ill served. Day after day, almost 10,000 lies later, after loads of indictments, guilty pleas, prison sentences, tell all books, and the repeated denials of the Demented One even as crazed mobs cheer on his bizarre language and behavior, gulp down his lies and the lies about the lies, even after all this with the next day promising, or is it threatening, more of the same - we continue on this road. This road only leads to the depths of hell, the depths of a deep loss when we lose our democracy and succumb to dictatorship, a dystopia of our own making, our own responsibility.
The situation just gets uglier and uglier. We ignore the facts of life in the weather simply because these truths do not fit the plans and needs of the greedy corrupt individuals who now occupy DC. So we ignore the melting ice caps, the cracking glaciers, the wacky weather, the horror of a weather system gone wild, because to not ignore it would mean the loss of bottom line profits and money is all that matters to these people - money and power. It has even been reported that all that man wants to know about is the bottom line, a competition with other countries as if they were competitors in an industry and all else falls before that. Schoolyard behavior. So to hell with human rights. To hell with historical facts. To hell with science. To hell with people for are we not told oh so sagely that people really do not want a living wage, they would rather work for it. So says Ivanka, for she knows so much about struggle and hunger and ther fears , the existential fears that parents have about and for their children, worrying about feeding them and never mind fancy dinners!!!
And the pile of dirt and mud keeps growing, a true compost heap of the values of a nation, and yet no one seems to notice the odor, the vile odor and the vile seepage it engenders. It oppresses us, it oppresses women, for the Demented One would like to establish his own Handmaid's Tale. It oppresses the LGBTQ community and supporters of human rights for these are evidently lower on the scale of humanity than we had recognized or so, at least, the Demented One and his demented supporters state.
The evangelical movement stomps on their sense of sexual chastity even as they chase down the gay world. Never mind the piggish behavior of the leader. Hypocrisy reigns. I can perhaps even understand a bit why some people still support this man and his dangerous policies such as they are, for they are downtrodden and are looking for help, but certainly in the wrong places, for this man will only take away more of theirs than he has done till now. But explain to me why supposedly educated and thinking people can still support this thug, for that is what he is under all that fast food, tweets, and fancy golf clubs. A thug. A dictator wannabe. A danger, an existential danger to the United States that we know, that we cherish, that we take pride in. I just do not understand them. At all.
And this hateful atmosphere, this dangerous miasma, permeates the world of the Democrats as well. It seems that in the name of diversity, we have traded in our past as well and allow words of hatred, words of deep anti Semitism, to flow forth from two women in particular - Tlaib and Omar. Time and again out of their mouth comes poison, filth, the rants of ages, the dangerous canards that have been used through the ages, including by their own ancestors who raided the Jews in their homes in Arab countries, who chased them out upon the founding of Israel, who still wish to destroy them and do not be fooled - anti Zionism, anti the right for the Jewish people to have a homeland of their own as compared to the numerous Moslem and Arab countries, is anti Semitism at its worst or damn near close to it. The only level left is the one that Hitler created, not allowing Jews to live - at all - nowhere, no how. I am stating it loud and clear. The Democratic Party must stand tall here and cut these women down to size or strip them of their committee appointments or do whatever it needs to make it clear that anti Semitism will not be tolerated, whatever the excuse given, whatever the denials are, whatever the form or shape it takes. Truth is truth. And why do I not include Ocasio-Cortez at this point? Because she does show some promise. Her questions at the hearing showed discipline and thought and a wish to deal with reality, not to take the time to boast and brag and scold. Perhaps she will learn. I am willing to give her a chance, but not those two hate mongering Jew hating women who should not be there or should not have tax payers paying their bills, enabling their hatred and its espousal.
Where are we? What exit are we approaching? Will we take the correct one or will we turn off into a swampy and nasty exit where the light diminshes as the hatred grows. No one is immune to the draw of power; no one is immune to the feeling that venting one' s frustrations in an angry mode gives one. But we must look in the right places for power and accept that the power we want, that we need, is the power of cooperation, of acceptance of the humanity of all, of the delivery from evil that this Demented One and his supporters would inflict upon us, far worse than he has done so far.
What road, people? What truth will we recognize? Which prophets wil we accept and which shall we deride? Shall we wear blindfolds and plug our ears, turn off our brains, or shall we open up to the truth, sometimes a harsh truth at that, but the only way to proceed. Quickly now, the exit is nearing.
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