Sunday, March 17, 2019


     I recently learned that AA has a maxim which states that "wherever you go, there you are". Think about it. It makes sense. It stresses that reality is what must be faced and any progress must be made from where you are, not where you wish you are, or make believe you are, or any fantasy world or bubble one is living. Think about it and then understand where we are, both nationally, statewide, locally, and right here in CV. And understand that the similarities and parallels of administration are present at all levels.
     Yesterday, Joe Biden made a striking statement and he is so correct in so many ways and on so many levels."The only thing strong enough to tear America apart is America itself and we've seen its start,"  Transfer that statement to here, where we are, in CV and understand that we, the residents of CV, are allowing certain people to have their power grabs and split the Village apart with their deeds. Or misdeeds.
     The other day there was a meeting re the new bylaws and it was a pitiful turnout. It was called, on David's personal blog which masquerades as the official blog of the Village, as an "open" discussion of the proposed bylaws asnd changes made in them, omissions and additions. It was as open a discussion as the courts of Hungary or the self determination of the people of Crimea! Any question that had meat upon it was pushed off with the statement that it will be taken up at a later time. Truly? Really? Why a later time when it was mentioned right here. Why state that an assembly of Villagers accepted this, as I am sure will be done, when actually, it was not discussed but rather shut down with the 'later' business or a vague statement of "I know where you're going with this." If so, why not have this 'open' discussion we were promised, truth in advertising!! And let us get where we were going!
     But truth does not seem to matter in this administration. Called during one election "Dave's team", all others outside the little coven were called "malcontents", meant pejoratively. Well, in the history of our country, in fact in its very founding, it is supposed malcontents, dissatisfied with conditions in their homelands or in these here United States, who pushed the progress of society, who moved us further along on the proper pathways of life. Those who did not wish that as their money was at stake, or their assumed privileges and perks were in danger of going the way of all living things, then tried to stop progress by name calling, threats, unfair practices and oh, yes, the equivalent of today's "Fake News", the battle cry of all dictators or wannabes!! Just as here, the free distribution of material relevant to UCO and the Villagers is verboten - by order of David Israel. Yup.
     Dictators try to set up dynasties of their own and just as we are waiting and watching for when the Demented One comes out with his own crown and sets his Junior up as the heir (LOL - I hope!), here, too, in the Village, there is now a full push to set up a dynasty as David reaches the end of his terms in office, the same terms he maneuvered into by trickery, with the timing of votes to eliminate term limits within UCO, a violation of the very principles that UCO was founded upon. But he does not care, for he even has pushed now for the President Emeritus to maintain a vote for 12 months and then watch, he will push for an amendment to that, ad infinitum ad nauseum!
    Power. The power over our huge funds. The power to keep spending our funds on painting and repainting the stripes of the parking lot by UCO, or the guardhouses, or the plants outside UCO, but not on quality control and assurance over our paving or the striping of our lanes, our contracts in such vital areas as our cable. This is what happens when the few control the government of any entity. This is what happens when people cave in and  allow the bad to overwhelm the good. And this is not to say there are no good hardworking people within UCO, for there are, but they are truly outnumbered by the selfish, the liars, the nasty.
     "We're literally in a battle for the soul of America," and we are in a battle for the soul of the Vilalge.
     We alone have the power to overturn this state of reality. Here we are, yes, but there we can be. But we must start now, with demands for OPEN discussions as promised, full transparency, no pushing off of discussions or hints of arcane knowledge. We must push for diversity in UCO for the Village has changed and we must involve ALL within the Village, in its adminsitration and life. It is time to start the fight now, the struggle to keep our Village as it should be and not as the personal fiefdom of a proposed dynastic attempt of yes, malcontents, led by Dave's Team, for they are the true malcontents, the malcontents of, if not evil, then a determination to reach and keep privileges and perks, control funds and no control over themselves.
     Let us go where we should be and there we will be. Hopefully. It is within our powers.

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