Sunday, May 19, 2019


     You might be scratching your head around now, wondering what the heck is liaring. It is a term one of my kids used to use when caught telling little fibs and it took some time to help the kid understand the difference between fiction, tales in books and on TV and the confabulations one made up to get out of trouble! I must say, it gave us many laughs even as we undertook one of the most difficult jobs a parent has - to teach a child the difference between the truth and lies, between reality and the 'reality' one made up.
     How to distinguish between Ernie and Bert and real people, even as we spoke of them and other favorite characters as if they were real? How to distinguish between the bedtime stories featuring the child in adventures that never happened and between 'liaring'? Wasn't easy, I can tell you that, but it is one of the most important life skills and traits that a parent can teach and instill in a child.
     Somehow, this trait and distinction was never installed within the Demented One and his own children seem to follow along right behind him. I have never in my life encountered such an egregious amount of liaring. What is most frightening is that these are adults who believe in their own lies, with the Demented One at a count of over 10,000 lies since inauguration!! He and his children seem to depend on a reality that is certainly liaring as they depend on Fox News and other liaring organizations, such as American Heritage Foundation, etc. for their reality.
     So when does liaring turn into something that is a sign of major character trait deficiency and even borders or crosses the borders of sanity and insanity? It it when the liar refuses to distinguish between real and fake, between reality and wishful thinking, or actually, is so deep into liaring that he cannot distinguish the difference at all. At present, there is Donald Trump in a nutshell.
     But what about those who know what he is doing but go along with it, refuse to stand up for the truth, engage in their own newfound depth of liaring, who have lost the moral will and ability to stand up for the truth? Such is the situation with the Republian party. Even as Trump pushes past the envelope, defying law and tradition, even as he pushes his agenda of hate,of government by threat, vengeance taking and punishment, even as this happens, the Republicans go right along with it even selling their own power as Congressmen right down the river, even as they sell their souls to the proverbial devil!
    Only one, Rep. Amash, seems to have the ability to discern the truth.  "the president “engaged in impeachable conduct” based on the Mueller report."  Yes, he has discovered the liaring reality and has taken a stand against it. I wish him luck, but fear for him. I worry, too, about those Party members who ignore the needs of their constituents who need the workers, you know, those migrants who actually come here, have been coming here for decades, and doing the dirty work that 'Americans' spurn - picking the fields, construction scut work, keeping the dairy farms operating, who ignore the problems caused to farmers trying to sell their crops even as the moron does a great deal of liaring in the tariff area. 
     We have the liaring as we discover almost on a daily basis that more children have been 'lost' in the filthy policy of separation of families at the borders and all over the country as parentsare dragged away. We find liaring in full bloom as the government denies this reality, as we discover that there are so many willing to do this disgusting and morally perverted work. Shades of French gendarmes in France under the Nazis,or local collaborators, the Nazis themselves. Liaring allows one to discard moral values and create a new liaring based reality. Liaring allows Pence to state with a straight face that Trump stands for the "sanctity of human life' even as he stands for murder - yes, murder at the borders - as he stands for the ruination of the globe, as he stands for the destruction of the rights of ALL people - women, LGBTQ, immigrants, children, people of color, and yes, Jews, as they face a frightening world of prejudiced and violent liaring.
     The true reality? The true moments of hope? When bikers bring over 30,000 meals to a migrant facility, a place of refuge for them. When plans were being made almost as soon as Trump threatened to punish Palm Beach and Broward Counties for not voting for him, punishing them by dumping humans like trash, within their borders, with no corresponding facilities, food, clothing, funding - nothing.
    So, yes, I would not trade the liaring of my kids and their children after them, even as we taught them the difference between liaring, true reality, and the efforts needed to distinguish between the two and even the necessary efforts to bring true reality up to par. Trump seems to have skipped over this step and his minions have jumped right into the corresponding cesspool with him, calling the reek a scent of ambrosia, denying the truths even as the animals of Animal Farm did until the disaster demanded strong steps. Hopefully, we can avoid reaching that height of liaring damage, but it is truly getting frightening out there, growing ever darker, ever lonelier, and no, Bert and Ernie or even Super Elmo cannot save the day here. We need to do a bit of liaring ourselves and then mesh that liaring with a determined campaign to remake that liaring into the reality, a reality that once was the United States of America.

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