Tuesday, May 21, 2019


     No, I am not nuts, confusing Roman and American Empires, but one fell, and one is falling, down on one knee already, taking a knee to falsehoods, nastiness, incompetence and sheer insanity. The comparison between the two is frightening to the extreme and it behooves us to take a close look at what the hell we are doing.
    It takes one to know one. An old adage that truly fits the times we are living in. The obsessed and unsteady rulers of Iran recognize a brother in insanity in Trump.
      "Trump is not quite balanced and stable in his decision making, so we are dealing with a confused White House. ........  various signals which show that no one knows who owns the White House."
     This 'confused' and irrational man is actually managing to subvert the entire mechanism of our government into serving his needs, his desires and his opinions of his own level of power and control. Under the Demented One, the legislative branch has willingly - and ain't that a kick! - shrunk its own power, taking the abuse from this insane man and then saying,"ah, again, please!' Even as some Republicans finally begin to awake from their going on three years of coma, they still lack the courage to take the necessary steps to stop that man in his tracks before it is too late.
      Please explain this to me as it is contradictory to the simple and natural desire to maintain one's powers and meaning in a job. Why are they doing this, these Republican cowards? Because they are afraid of being called silly schoolyard names? Because they do not want to have the great unwashed masses who boo on cue from Trump to boo their names, to laugh mean and nasty laughs at them? Because they have forgotten that they serve the people and not the other way around? Because they have lost their way, their morality.
     Even as one judge says that the Trump attempt to deny access to financial information is a none starter, Trump continues to oppose justice and legislative oversight. He openly states that to oppose him, to investigate him is equivalent to treason! He calls out the law enforcement organs of the nation to investigate all his political opponents, like the dictator he thinks he will be and already is. He orders members of his administraton, past and present to stonewall, to ignore Congressional subpoenas, basically, to stick it to the American people.
     The American people count for less and less in this administration. The numbers of deaths are being manipulated in studies of the effects of environmental pollution and disasters, all towards the end goal of further endangering the American people and indeed, the world, all so the 1%ers can fatten their wallets in their gilded worlds even as the world dies around them! 
     And the people asked to serve in this government represent the twisted and corrupt attitudes and behavior of these people, of the twisted goals of this administration. An example? Sure. Kris Kobach has given in his demands if he is to be the new immigration czar. 10 conditions. An available jet 24/7. Weekends off so he can spend time with his family and of course, the jet will fly him there! On our dimes! A staff of seven people that report only to him. Open access to the Oval Office. An office in the West Wing. To be appointed Secretary of Homeland Security by November. A security detail and  a fancy title. Wow! Such an example par excellence of the service to the people belief!!! Such nobility!
   All this as tariffs continue to strangle industries, the latest, Nike, among others. Even as another company, Dressbarn, announces the closing of all 650 stores. Think of the consequences. Thousands laid off. More stores going empty and more ghostlike malls. And the winners - the fatcat billionaire stockholders! Such is the 'booming' economy. Based on air and greed.
     But hey, here is a piece of good news. The great white sharks do not only reside in DC. They exist now in Long Island Sound, a sign that there is abundant food for them. Huh!! Is that us? As the Great White swims close to the shores off Greenwich, Connecticut! Jaws alive!  Dah de da da. Dah de da da!
     Trump believes he is above the law, untouchable in his morass of alleged crimes and misdeeds, not mattering whether they were committed pre presidency or during. Even as more and more filth is laid open to the air, he wraps his own engendered mantle of majesty and Teflon around him, content in his majesty, thriving in his misdeeds, even as the Americn Empire continues to deteriorate, feeding upon the circuses of Trump, even as the sops of bread are diminishing. The only question left is: will we wake up in time to take effective action and save our government, our country, our souls, or is it already past the midnight hour?

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