Sunday, June 2, 2019


     I believe we are at a crossroads, not only for the USA but also for the world. We have to decide, within the next second or two, speaking relatively, as to which path, which fork in the road we are going to take. What I am afraid of, is that we have already chosen, some knowingly, some not, that fork and it is not the correct one.
     Trump is on his way to England to see the Queen. Why she is greeting him is another story, for the large majority of the population has no use for him at all and huge protests are expected for Tuesday.Would that she could imprison this king wannabe in a room in the Tower, just as other pretenders to royalty were in prior centuries!!!
     Here are some of the words of the mayor of London.  “President Donald Trump is just one of the most egregious examples of a growing global threat. The far right is on the rise around the world, threatening our hard-won rights and freedoms and the values that have defined our liberal, democratic societies for more than 70 years." Read them and think on their import. Think how many statesmen all around the world have spoken of and evaluated Trump. Think of those who have supported him, and if that does not make you mightily regurgitate, then worry, deeply and long, for either you do not see or want to see the danger ahead or, worse, you are agitating for it.
     We used to have clearcut differentials and divisions between the branches of the government. Each branch held an important role in that government, and when one branch, the executive one, tries to take over the other two, well, then we have trouble not in River City,folks, that made up city of The Music Man, but right here in every city and town and hamlet of the country.
     Separation of church and state has kept this country from religious wars - from the very inception. All religions were allowed to be practiced here, though there were times when the state intervened, urged on by fanatics and confused people, and then tragedy ensued. Thankfully, we mostly left all that behind, though prejudices remained, but now we have a group of people who wish to impose religious guidelines and restrictions and interpretations on the Constitution, much to the detriment of all of us. All are free to practice, but why is one group now imposing its own will on others. For example: if you wish to oppose abortion, then do not have one. Your choice. But if another needs to choose that choice, then she must be free to exercise her right to make that choice and not be blocked by backward thinking people who have no respect for rights, for women, for anyone but themselves!!
     We have an illegitimate President who would be king. If only!! Add to the illegitimacy of his electoral college win - not the majority vote - and his oops admission that indeed the Russians helped to get him elected even as he was then told what he had done and erased that tweet; add to it his politization of the armed forces, of the intelligence services of the country. Hiding ships because his pathetic ego could not deal with it? Denying it? Having aides who are so corrupted or so frightened of the wheels of the bus that they rush headlong and heedlessly into that wrong fork of the road? Much to our sorrow and detriment.
     And where are the members of his Party who are supposed to be patriots of and for the country and not his servants. They are not to kowtow to him as the next and future king!! They are not to attempt to turn back the clock to a time when we were ruled by kings who made grievous errors, just as this dangerous idiot et al is doing. They are supposed to make sure that his ego does not entangle us in deteriorating situations that are perilously close to active war. And yet, turn the clock they do, ceding their hard won rights, the hard fought battles of this country to insure that it remain what it is supposed to be and correct the wrong turns when made.
     In 1924 a bigoted law against the immigration of people from Asia and eastern Europe was passed. Chinese immigration was drastically reduced, with women not allowed at all! And certainly it had a hugely detrimental - murderous - effect on the Jewish immigration, just at a time when Europe was returning to the worst of its prejudices and by 1933 the plans for elimination of the Jewish people were well under way and the United States turned its back to them as did other countries of the world as they shut and slammed  the doors of help and refuge. They even basically shut down the doors to the British Mandate of Palestine and think, think hard and long, how much of Jewry was destroyed from 1933 and beyond for pogroms and murders continued well after the war as Jews so thoughlessly tried to return to their former homes, find possible family members there, and retrieve family heirlooms and religious articles such as menorahs, candle holders, Torahs, holy books!!
     In America we are supposed to be better than this. We are not supposed to encourage hate, nativism, populism, nationalism. We are not supposed to terrorize our citizens with armed forces. We are not to threaten to imprison our political opponents. And when we forget that, we run the wrong way down the road, down the wrong fork in that bumpy road to good government, a country which does not eat its citizens. When a country has a department entitled Enforcement and Removal - well, the shivers run down my back and do not stop. What are we doing?? What the hell are we doing? What is next? Resettlement Department? What the hell have we allowed?  Look at those flashing lights. Hear those sirens. Danger ahead! Right there!! Look! See it!!

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