Wednesday, June 19, 2019


     I despise liars. They are cowards. And yes, tell someone they look good in their favorite outfit even if you disagree. That is a harmless and kind lie, a white lie, but the lies that we have been beaten over the head with, those lies - they are beyond all boundaries of any possible acceptance. No, I am not a Pollyanna who thinks that politicians do not lie. But these lies, these egregious and nasty lies, these dangerous lies - gotta' go, man, gotta' go!!
     Here is a question I address to the evangelical crowds, any religious crowd who pride themselves on their morals, on their sexual boundaries, on the values they place on truth and justice, on following the Biblical injunction of welcoming the stranger into their mdist. Where the hell have you been and why are you where you are now?
     In any job with a clause allowing for firing due to moral turpitude, this man would have lost his job many, many moons ago! In fact, he never should have gotten the job in the first place. How did you ever get over your so called beliefs after this man confessed to shameful behaviors, hush money bribes, his serial cheating on wives, and his disgusting language when referring to women? How?
     How did you get past the lies and no, do not say that he has not lied or that he is just a showman so he is allowed to lie. We are in the midst of an environmental crisis, air pollution growing again, water purity endangered, filthy industries encouraged once more instead of looking for better ways, regulations cut that would have insured the safety and well being of our country and its citizens and even the world. We are on the brink of war with more countries than can be named. China, Iran, cyberwar with Russia - after the so called president accepted their help and sees nothing wrong in it. We have a president who insults his own citizens and intelligence agencies, proclaims love for dictators, encourages statements and atmospheres of hatred and racial bias, and is threatening the recovery begun under Obama with his insane tariff wars. Remember, too, that wages have not kept pace, indeed, have even declined in areas so exactly whose recovery is this? And about it all - he lies. How do you tolerate this?
     The hypocrisy of the Republican Party is unbelievable. Rubio suddenly backs Trump at his Orlando show when he supposedly opposes him in important areas? Feh!!!!! The Republican party has lost all credibility with so many people for this moral failure, the same moral failure that religious people have fallen into as they disregard their strong points in order to vote for the man who encourages hatred and nastiness ansd lies and lies and lies.
     The Orlando Sentinel yesterday came out with an amazing editorial wherein they said they will endorse anyone - ANYONE - who runs against Trump for we have had enough. The existential threat this man poses is not to be ignored. Their statement that truly makes the point? Here: "Enough of the chaos, the division, the schoolyard insults, the self aggrandizement, the corruption, and especially the lies. So many lies - from white lies to whoppers - told out of ignorance, of laziness, recklessness, expediency, or opportunity,".
     He encourages chants against the media, challenging freedom and independence of the press, curses them out as enemies of the people - and at least CNN had the decency and the courage to tune him out when he started with them. The more we tune him out, the better! And here is a chilling figure. There are estimated - by them- to be 11 million illegal immigrants here and they intend to chase them down like rats and throw them away over the border, never mind the productive lives these many people have lived, helping our economy, sending their brightest to college and after they enter into professions such as doctors, scientists, researchers, economic personnel, businesspeople, and on and on. Want another 11 million people figure? Here ya' go! There were 11 milion people slaughtered in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany. Eeerie parallelism. And the head of ICE is already making excuses why it is right that people do this, chase people, throw them out and away! Fascism!!! Nothing else but and just you wait, all of you who do not protest this shameful and sinful, yes, sinful, behavior and actions.
     One more thought to chew over and see if you can shift over from the positions you have taken till now.
     Revelation 21:8    "All liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone."

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