Friday, June 28, 2019


     So the big event over the past two nights was the debate - part one and part two. Analysts on both sides of the political divide chimed in with their opinions but as far as I am concerned, it did not go deep enough nor sharp enough at the primary topic. Yes, there was a bit more infighting last night, to a degree that Kamala Harris reminded the 'boys' that America was not interested in a food fight, but in putting the food on the table. And that seemed to be the stress of the night - the economy. The economy was deemed beneficial only for the nabobs of Wall Street and "not working for the working people". Love that line!
     Personally, I was proud of the women who sttod up for themseslves and did not allow the men to overtalk them. I believe that either Harris and/or Gillibrand could stand up to the rantings and interruptions of the Demented Toddler and put him in his place.
      There should have been putting him in his place to a larger degree, but perversely, at times the Democrats debating forgot that the enemy was Trump and not each other. Less backbiting, more realism as to who should remain and whom needs to go, and tighten up for the electorate, and we could have a winner. America is tired of the perverse behavior of its President and wants change.
     The American people are tired of having the cowardly and backwards immoral people of the Republican party force their opinion on others. The majority of Americans are for choice even as 30 states rush headlong with a pronounced viciousness to wrest women's rights away from women. It has gotten to the point of perversity as a pregnant woman shot in the stomach during a fight was arrested! Yes, arrested for endangering the fetus, for bringing it to the fight! The shooter - let go! So now what - the pregnant woman should stay in the home wrapped in cotton for an entire pregnancy or else face charges of endangering the fetus and being imprisoned? And all are ignoring the corollary that goes along with this attitude and it was seen clearly in Britain as they wanted to FORCE a developmentally disabled woman to have an abortion, despite her rights, despite the pleas of the grandmother who would be there for the baby, but nope, the countries are reverting to the racial and genetic prejudices of the Nazi era and here is perversity in all its ugliness.
     Perverse behavior was seen in the entire nation as an accusation of rape, along with women who heard about it at the time of its occurence, was ignored, so what? We are so used to the perverse and perverted sexual mores and behavior of Trump that we ignore it all? Perverse!
     Perverse was the behavior of Trump at the G-20 conference, though not unexpected. Of course he claimed victory in a debate in which he did not partake, but then again, it is all about him, right? He then proceeded to ream out our allies, hitting Japan over its head, threatening and demeaning Germany, and going after India for their tariffs, as evidently only the USA can impose them. Perverse thinking and dangerous behavior.
     Lest you think we are all alone there,do not worry, for BFF Putin is right there, sharing such a cute joke as Trump mugs about the issue of interference in American elections, and joking around, with a silly tone and face, with a smirk and a wagging finger, tells Putin "Don't meddle in the election, please". What the hell!!! So when will the entire electorate wake up for they are seemingly just as blind as those of Germany who thought that Hitler would be okay, would raise the economy, provide jobs and he sure did - over the bodies of the world, over a broken humanity. And now? Well, BFF Putin is telling us all that liberalism is dead and populism is the flavor of the day, of the world. He joined with Trump in their lies over the 'criminality' of the migrants. I know, those kids are truly dangerous!!! And how perverse their parents are, risking life and limb of themselves and their children in their desperateness to flee from untenable lives to a better place and a possibility of a better future for them and their families. Such peveseness. Why they should not follow the example of Trump who has perverted his own children until they are weaker imitations of their nasty as all hell father. Feh!!
     So here is the question for us all, for the future of our future and that of the world.  Will America wake up? Will they overcome that perverse okaying of the awful gerrymandering of the Republicans and heck, no surprise there from this tampered with Supreme Court, but will they overcome and come to their senses? Will we recognize the ugliness of this Demented Toddler and his minions, those cheating and corrupted individuals? Will we return to the other side of perversity and become America again?
     Whatja' think? And no, it will not just take a declaration of love as per Williamson at the debate, but it is not a bad place to start, with love of humanity, love of a right and proper religiousity, one that does not spearhead the masses of hate and prejudice, of violence towards others, and a deep and abiding knowledge, a deep and abiding feeling that this present day America is not us. Never! We need to turn away from perverseness and turn towards the good , the firm, the sane, the hopeful, the weloming of the Statue of Liberty, and towards humanity . Perversity does not ultimately work , and we must stand firm in our battle against it. That is the only way clear out of this morass of the Demented Toddler.

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