Thursday, July 25, 2019


     Poor Jeremiah. The prophet's warnings, dire statements and predictions, caused him much grief. He was jeered, thrown into nasty places, deemed insane, and his stern jeremiads were ignored. Now I am wondering if we are also hearing the voices of modern day Jeremiahs and ignoring it just as willfully and blindly as did the Israelites of long ago. As for the ensuing consequences of ignoring warnngs, truths? Well, you just sit down and imagine what could be, what is already, and what the hell we should do in the immediate, not future, for there is no time for that, but in the immediate present. Time is that demanding.
      Mueller appeared at times to be overcome by the length and duration of the questioning. He appeared to have some difficulties in hearing and even understanding questions. Actually, there were very few questions on the part of the subsumed Republicans, subsumed by their blind allegiance to Trump and their determination to ignore all warnings. Mostly they ranted and raved, displayed nasty faces a la Graham and Grassley from the massive joke of the Kavanaugh hearing, and any question was asked rhetorically, barely allowing any time at all for Mueller to answer, to respond the way he needed to.
     Mueller, disappointing us all, kept to the parameters of his former statement, that his report spoke for him. It did in the fact that he openly stated in the very beginning that the report did NOT exonerate Trump. He stated that the President could well be indicted after his term of office was over. Why he should be immune to the law now was not addressed nor explained and that is indeed troubling. Jeremiah, the original, and other prophets, made it very clear that the King was indeed responsible and to be held accountable for his misdeeds and transgressions and who are we to argue with the Bible!!??
     Basically, the day was a spewing forth of garbage, the load of which I wrote yesterday. The Republicans are blind to the truth and the Democrats actually were conciliatory, allowing the Republicans to speak out of turn as the Democrats ceded time and turns so as to allow for a timely completion of session. Ha!! See if the Republicans would do that. No way!
     In any case, he who shall not be named, who swore up and down that he would never ever waste any of his precious time in watching the sessions, began his Mad Hatter imitation and sent manic tweets down the line pre session, during sessions, and after sessions, bleating insanely how he was exonerated. Mueller's statement that he was not, the damning statements about Wiki Leaks, about the 'generally correct' statements, were ignored. Imagine if Mueller had not accepted the artificial handcuffs of Trump's personal lawyer - that would be Barr, the supposed AG for the country. Think of the truth that would have rung throughout the land. Think of the vindication of our modern day Jeremiahs whose warnings are discounted and degraded, even as the madmen of the country, the sinners of the country, continue to dismantle all that we hold sacred.
     And how should we account for and value the presentation of the presidential seal behind Trump as he spouted more words of hate and incitement at the youth convention. On that seal were two mistakes: a double headed eagle and a bunch of golf clubs. The single headed eagle and the arrows in its claw were revamped and Russia got its bow in the double headed bird akin to one on their official seals and the golf clubs, well, that is easily understood, is it not?
     So where do we go from here? How do we account for a President being above the law? No one is above the law. How do we understand the last sentence of the report which states that in so many words? How do we deal with the modern day Jeremiahs whose words are cutting too close for comfort? What was that military maneuvering around DC the other day? There was no emergency seen. Was it to practice a takeover of the government by Trump and his loyal and hateful troops or was it practice as to how to avoid a takeover in a civil war as the country rends itself into at least two, and perhaps many more parts?
     Anything is possible in this Trumpian distempered, upside down world. The longer he is tolerated, the longer his hatred seeps into the public, the longer he gets free reign, the longer and the deeper into a morass of immorality, of cowardice the Republicans sink - and the less likely that we ever get our country back again.
     Am I a Jeremiah? I hope not, but each and every time I question myself, perhaps I have jumped the shark, so deep and abiding is my dislike and contempt for Trump and my concern about the damage he is doing to us, I look aroud and there are mainstream pundits, commentators, saying the same thing. It is not a good thing to be a Jeremiah, for the mood induced is quite powerfully sad. Yet, truths must be spoken. The consequences of ignoring the truth are not good, to say the least and perhaps non correctable, especially the longer this goes on.
     At this point, we need to concentrate on holding the fort, such as is left anyway, and at the same time, do all we can to insure a fair election, cancel the inequities of the Electoral College by insuring that we get out the vote, that we turn aside all Republican and extremist attempts to negate the popular vote.
    Is there any other way? Yes, there is, but we truly do not want to go down that path. Certainly not yet, anyway. We can still pull it off if we put in a ton of hard work, gin up our courage and determination, do the right things, what must be done. Beginning NOW. Ignoring Jeremiah is not the way to go. I refer you back to the Bible, to human history, past, present and possibly the future. Sad story. Sad facts. Stern and clearly defined choices. Let us make our choices the right ones and make them count.

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