Friday, August 30, 2019


     Seems to me that if a man or woman, dressed in a long, possibly tattered, white caftan, with raggedy hair and smears of ash on the sackcloth, appeared in our streets and proclaimed the wrath of the Lord, well,I believe many of us would now give this person a second and third look and listen to the words spoken very carefully.
     The showcase of the world, the nation to emulate, the country that made mistakes, but knew that it had to improve, this same country now has become the repository of examples par excellence of the wrong way to go, the worst things to do, the path towards inhumanity.
     Worst of all is that there appears to be no end to this blight, no ceasing of the murderous, yes, murderous, plans that come out of DC from that now blackened White House, blackened with the guilty soul and henchmen that reside and/or work within. Some might even smell the rank odor and reek of sulphorous fumes.
     Think we can say that we are immune from this, for we have railed against this from the beginning and ever afterwards? The answer is no, a most emphatic no, and the images that this regime has promulgated are eating into all our souls, hence the now believable former 'nutjob' that we would have dismissed!
     This regime, and yes, regime, for administration implies a rule of law and order, a moral rule, with care for others, with attempts to better the lot of the citizen, with reachouts to the rest of the world, with an appreciation of and an willingness to accept its role in this world.
     Instead, we have a cruel and hateful regime, a would be dictator who loves to promulgate one executive order after another, each and every one with homicidal results. Yes, homicidal, for each and every one leads to further weakening and pollution of the earth's atmosphere, now methane being the latest one to be allowed no holds barred, and people are dying from these polluted waters and air. Children are developing cancers where there should be none.
     Children and families, adults, are going hungry, huge food insecurity hitting the population, with concurrent homeless populations that are growing exponentially. These are the ignored, the losers in an economy and world view, an American view of the times, that denigrates people, that marks them of no value and disposable. These are the images that should eat away at any repose we have, at our dreams at night and in our eyesight in daylight. These are images that had been improving but here we are again.
     And there are worse images, and here we are certainly all culpable, accessories before and after the fact. We are killing people and ICE and BP are our designated representatives as they chase down fearful, frightened, traumatized people, no never mind if they are new to the quest for asylum, for safety, for hope, or have been living here for years, raising American children, working, contributing, filling needs of our economy, but now, well go ask that Demented One, that conspirer of murder! Why is he doing this? Why? Worse and more horrifying than that is the fact that there are so many who applaud these cruel acts, feel these lives are of no value, are subhuman in value, and that there are so many willing to be the chasers, the prey hunters, the captors and guards of these oh so dangerous people and fearsome children, for so dangerous are these children that they must be separated and watched over as they lay moldering and dying, yes, dying, in cold and cruel cells and cages. These images should be etched with acid in our minds and in our very souls.
     If that is not enough to make the bile rise in your throat, then think of this. Countries often make exceptions for medical needs, healing and helping and in turn, being helped by these medically impaired people as they participate in clinical trials, lead the way for others, for 'Americans', along a healing path and simply for the sake of doing the right thing. The arch enemies  of Israel are allowed into their top hospitals. Palestinians are welcomed into Israeli hospitals all the time. They receive tranplants, medication, equipment, but today, today we are told that there is no room for these needy people here in America. Nope, for they now have 33 days in which to get the hell out of here,and never mind the fact of their contributions, nor the fact that they will die. Die. Period. And we are allowing this. We are allowing the death of so many. Those images should eat away at any peace we have.
     And all the while the seemingly crazed self proclaimed prophet of the Lord is warning us, telling us off, drawing a vivid and heartrending, frightening set of images of where we have gone wrong and where that will lead. The prophet stands among the Naked Cowboy, the character impersonators, the crowds of Times Square, and we forget that at times the truth appears in weird ways and we must be open to it. Can you not see the ridiculous blustery figure of Trump right here among the residents of Times Square, his bubble busted? But if one cannot accept prophets and messengers of the Lord in these times, and I fully understand that, then heed the proof of your eyes and ears. Hear the sickening sounds emanating from your soul. Heed the warnings and pleas of a right thinking mind. Feel the images and even get out there and see the result of the murderous, imposed upon us heartbreaking and homicidal rules and changes. Stand by the border bridges and watch the pitiful parade sent back, to doom, to eternal waiting, and it is on us, folks. Imagine where you would be - if anywhere at all -if your ancestors had been turned away at the gate or residency disallowed? Think, for legality means nothing here today as people are stripped of legitimate rights, due process ignored, just trashed, like yesterday's supper remnants.
     Images of hate and horror. Images of things to come, worse things. Images of a land which eats its inhabitants. Images that should not be. And images of giant scales and mini scales, weighing mankind and individuals, and found wanting. I, for one, do not want to be included in that image. Do you?

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