Tuesday, August 20, 2019


         When we were kids there was an ad on TV which portrayed some poor little brother as the one who either had to try all the new foods first, or else was blamed for whatever went wrong - Mikey did it. So easy, so convenient and evidently it made such an impact upon Trump that he also has his go to scapegoat and thinks it just as cute. Who did it? Why the fake press of course!
     First they lied about him during the campaign. Then they lied about him and his numbers at the Inauguration. Then they lied about how many women marched opposing him and his policies. Then he lied about everything and anything else - from who was to blame for the messes of his administration, to conditions in the world, to actually ever having known any of those people whom he tossed under the bus, the latest being Scaramucci, and of course, the fake news created all this. Now, that powerful press has topped it off with the fake creation of a possible recession and bad economic news. 
     Thus the planned layoffs of U.S. Steel in Michigan due to decreased demands for their product, due, in fact to the slowdown of the world economy, due to the weird gyrating policies of Trump but all fake news from the fake press! Of course. Who would think otherwise and is it not so lucky for us that we have such a kind leader who remembers to remind us of that fact!! Huh!! Wonder if it is the fake press with fake news that has imploded my retirement account. Wow, shoulda' thought of that long ago. Of course!
     Another planned attack at another Jewish institution. Fake news? Or perhaps actually another manifestation of the hatred that has come crawling out ofits muck and mire as Trump has okayed it. And are we not so lucky, so impressesd with the fact that Planned Parenthood had to turn down funds from Title X due to the fact that it would come with a gag order - no information to women about abortion. Really? What, are women unable to understand options or is it perhaps the misogyny of Trump et al who simply need to put women 'back in their place'? 
     And is it also the manifestation of the new health policies of this country wherein the government will dictate the parameters of health care and talk of death panels - they are already here. Just check the new rulings coming out about care under Medicare and what is now not allowed or drasticaslly cut back. Ah, just more fake news from the terrible media but it seems the doctors and their staffs believe all this fake news. Wow, what a powerful fake press.
     Everything from the treatment of immigrants, the barbaric treatment of so many, the Nazi like raids at off hours, the rending of families, and the absurd new work rules for those admitted under emergency conditions, all, I guess, fake news. Otherwise how to make sense of executive orders which say that work permits are to be drastically cut, thus insuring no income for those who wish to work and then, gasp, they will have to apply for aid to feed their children and then, uh - oh! illegal working, application and use of governmental funds, a drag on the country - or so they say - and out they must go, proof of their laziness and dastardly plans to raid the national Treasury. Yup, but all fake news. All fake tracing of cause and effect. All fake news telling the damned truth! Weren't we so lucky that Melania was granted a work permit for the essential work of modeling? Wow, close call there.
     I propose a fake news headline. Trump Resigns, it should read, and the sub headings should include mental impairment due to dementia, physical deterioration due to overeating of fast food, and enmity of the entire world now on strike against this country. Wow, but would that not be great 'fake news'? 
     In the meantime, just ignore the threats from North Korea, Iran, the ongoing eternal mess in Afghanistan, the horrifying pictures of the buildup of Chinese armed forces outside Hong Kong and the oncoming slaughter there - while we say nothing! Ignore the rise of supremacists, the rise in violence and mass attacks, the increasing alienation of populations, budding genocidal plans, prejudice rearing its ugly heads all over the world and hey, Alfred E. Neuman always said, "What, me worry?" so do as he always advised us. All fake news anyway - right? Keep telling yourself that. Maybe it will work. Probably not.

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