Tuesday, October 29, 2019


      I believe we need to change the name of the Republican party to the Obstructionist Party for it appears to be the be all and end all of their being.
     It seems that they must go home every night and think up more reasons to fight the inquiry even as the proof mounts. It has taken as a motif, the destruction of the country over the Party, openly discarding even any weak disguise of loyalty to country over Party, and worse, to Trump. They have chosen retention of power, even as they give away the store, over morality, loyalty to country, decency and bi partisanship. 
      Loudly shouting for a vote, racing as a mob to bang on doors and then trying to perform a sit-in, even as they knew damn well that there were the proper Republicans inside and this closed door depositon policy IS the proper policy, one they themselves followed with Clinton. Why did they do this? Because they have internalized the tantrum like behavior of their Leader and I purposely capitalize that word for that is the level that we have reached. We have allowed one hugely - or should I say bigly - unqualified man in the throes of dementia to usurp the country, to suppress its proper history, to give away the store of his own as he buddies up to the enemies and reveals details that should not have been revealed at all. He even shared details of the raid with these very same enemies even as he left out notification of the ranking Democrats of Congress - a major no-no!! but Graham knew!! The toady got his reward.
     So now there will be a  vote and now they are screaming that is not enough? Would cancelling the whole inquiry do the trick? Probably not, as the filthy truth is out there, as the country begins to reveal its revulsion of Trump in the same manner that he encourages - shouts, group chants, and yes! "lock him up" echoes through a stadium.
    There is no way to stop the impeachment process at this point and certainly no reason to do that. What will happen in the Senate, with the soulless Republicans, with their cowardly behavior, with their open disdain for true law and order, with their cravenly cowardice in the face of Trump - well, who knows. But the point is that the truth will be out there, paraded daily on nationally televised hearings and all under the control of Chief Justice Roberts, a man over whom there is no threat of loss of job as or if he displeases Trump. Will and can Roberts be neutral? We must hope so if justice is to be done at all.
     But first we will need to see how the House shapes up. Will there be any courageous and righteous Republicans who will vote for the inquiry and will there be some Democrats who are afraid of their constituents if they vote yes? This is not simply a vote yes or no to go on with this, but a true test of morality, of where we, as a country, will be heading, if we have remained true to our values and principles.
     Army officers, aides, various ranking people inside the White House, diplomats - all testifying as to the truth of the whole Ukraine mess, a major deviancy from the true and proper path by the president, but there seems to be a need for more. Well, what will they do when the more comes along with the redactions of the Mueller papers  forthcoming. More papers are being unsealed in the gross misbehavior of Trump with a woman, in fact, with women in general! Toddler like behavior and meltdowns will occur more frequently as the pressure mounts and tax info becomes more available.
     This is whom the base is supposed to support? I certainly hope we are better than that, brighter than that, and closer to our better side than our other side, the one that allows for hatred, for violent acting out of that hatred, for a reversal of American principles that have guided us since even before we became a country, an independent nation. Even as we made great errors, we always had people who fought to correct those errors. We need these people to step up, come forward and do the right thing. 
     Our national turmoil is a reflection of the environmental turmoil around us. Horrendous mammoth fires, droughts and floods, hurricanes that destroy and kill, freezes and overwhelming heat spells - and that same turmoil is found in the world of man. Shakespeare certainly had it right as he stated in so many plays, in so many ways, that the World of Nature and the World of Man reflect each other. Why can we not recognize that and do something, the right thing? Why do some fight so strongly against the righting of the wrongs of this administration, or even recognize that there is wrongdoing in the first place? And if I had the answer to that, I'd be rich!!
     Time we put aside our differences and tend to the dire needs of our country. Time to insure its survival as we are and not as some would have us, in a bad way. Time to gather the remnants of courage that might be lingering there inside some Republicans who are not past their sell by date. Time to recognize wrong and right it! The time is now. Or it will be never.

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