Friday, December 6, 2019


     A Rorschach test is a kind of fun test and one that has been used when at play by kids who would make their own ink blots and try to figure out what they looked like. The inkblots on the test, however, are carefully calibrated to look like various images in the minds of the testtakers and then the responses are analyzed. Fun, right? Not so much fun when the entire world seems to be an inkblot which we are forced to analyze in increasingly odd blots of ink and images. Or when the analysis seems to have more words of violence and hatred than before and by so many people.
     We are living in a Rorschach world. It seems that all look at the inkblot formation of the facts and see different things, different meanings. It is frustrating when one looks at those facts and another looks and turns the facts on their respective heads and never the twain shall meet.
     How is it possible that Republicans with vile tempers and words, scary faces included, can continue to rant and rave that Ukraine is the guilty party and not Russia. That collusion and blackmail and way off base actions did not take place when detailed records are cited by people who have no ball in the game other than doing their jobs? How can they look at the inkblot that represents the President and not see the madness? We have our own Nero, so to speak, who travels round the country and the world trying to demonstrate how popular he is and when shown the opposite, when he becomes a laughing stock internationally, he runs home with thumb in mouth to sulk and tweet from inside his TV room.
     How can it be that the accused to be put on trial is able to converse and plot and plan with the jury that is supposed to judge with an open mind? How can it be that the inkblot of this whole mess looks like hate to the TrumpWorld, which they then transfer over to the Democrats, accusing them of proceeding only due to hate, and Pelosi answers with a strong and forceful answer that no, it is not hate, for she prays for Trump, but rather because he has challenged the Constitution and it is our very soul, our very existence as a democracy that is at stake. 
     Full discosure here. I hate the man.  I hate what he has done and is doing to our country. I hate the messy inkblot that represents the messes he has made of our country, of its people, of its relatiohnships with the world. I hate the threat he poses, his immoral and allegedly criminal behavior. I hate his inner ugliness which is erupting on the hour with an ugly discharge of foul language, foul behavior, foul morals, or rather a lack of them, and a determination to remold the nation into a dictatorship or might as well be called a monarchy government. Most of all, I hate him for what he has done to the people, forcing a deep divide between family and friends, a deep silence on political discussions rather than face passionate arguments and posssible ruinations of those families and friends.
     I want to return to a world free of these awful inkblots, to put away the new real life version of the test. I want to see this mess over and done with, but I also want to see it done right, fairly, with open minds and hearts, with truth and moral behavior, but that will never happen.
     It seems that the ugliness just grows and grows, feeding on the evil energies that are emanating from the White House and its coterie of immoral backers, of people who have sold their souls for power, for appearing to be friends of the Master, for who knows what they value in their twisted minds and souls. 
     And obvious in all this is the caveman philosophy of the Republican philosphy as their attitude towards women who dare to speak out is clear. It began with their shameful treatment of Ford as she accused the pervert Kavanaugh of sexual assault, continued with the nasty name calling and derogatory remarks that Trump calls all his women opponents, focusing heavily on body images - and look who is talking! It continues with the statements and reactions by Pelosi who has conducted herself admirably in this whole inkblot mess, and continues right along with the accusations directd not so much at the male Constitutional experts who testified, including Turley who seems to have shed his values as soon as he hit DC and the limelight, and accused Karlan, a woman of great depths and knowledge, of a fierce passion for the country, of patriotism and of understanding of the Constitution, of whatever they could throw at her.
     This whole thing is nasty. It stinks, an ugly yellow pus that has infected the nation and seems to be seeping into every corner of national life and international as well. We throw off our sins on other countries, lie through our teeth and then wonder why America has become a laughable, yet dangerous figure in the panoply of nations.
     These are bitter times for our nation, for our people. We have condoned mistreatment of immigrants, forgotten our poor and needy, allowed our children to go hungry, for opioids to decimate the lower economic class of people living in the Midwest, in Appalachia, in areas of few jobs for the uneducated, no training for new jobs that demand new skills. We continue to shoot people who displease us even as we refuse to enhance gun control laws. We demean women, threatening once again to return to the days when abortion choice, even under life threatening conditions, or rape or incest, or total desperation, was illegal and women who had abortions were considered murderers. How could we do this again!!!
     We need to look at the inkblots of our lives, as an individual and as a nation and find new interpretations, new values, goodness and life, rather than the darkness that is overwhelming our nation. In Queen & Slim, a movie all should see, one character says to the other“Why do black people always got to be excellent? Why can’t we just be ourselves?” I ask the question another way, even as I agree with this statement, though it can be filled in with any minority group. Why does any Jew cringe when a Jewish name is involved in a crime? Think about that and the answer is the same, no matter the country or the oppressed minority or group. We must ALL be excellent, certainly now, if we are to pull ourselves out of the inkblot mess. ALL. Check what you see in the inkblots of life. What does it say about you?

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