Friday, December 20, 2019


     Wow, but that title says it in so many ways. I just do not know anymore what has happened to our country. I just do not know nor understand any more what makes politicians tick. I do not know when we can mark it off on a calendar, looking back, when Republican Senators gave up loyalty to the country for loyalty to a madman. I do not know when exactly it was that we descended to the lower depths of Hell.
     I do believe that the first open step was the nomination and acceptance of Trump as the Republican candidate for the highest office of the land. This was a basically ignorant man, of crude and rude behavior, a misogynist of the first class, a man known to defraud and cheat banks, workers, tax collectors and anyone and anything else that got in his way. A man who pleaded bone spurs as an excuse to avoid serving his country, bribing a doctor for an excuse note, suddenly became the spokesman for patriotism!! And the people bought it, from a man who respects and is loyal only to and for himself?
     The Big Lie came next, a la the politics of Communism and Fascism - the savior of a country, our country, was there, in that ugly bloated person, the man with the ragged mind. The man whose deepest complication was the proper combing of his hair so as to appear as if he has any - look during a wind on his head and see the truth. A lie, a false front, like the rest of his behavior.
     That technique continued with his obsession over size of crowds, of shouting that he actually won the popular vote because either fake voters voted or there was a miscount, or a foreign country helped Clinton. What a crock! We now know that the foreign influence and invasion was prompted by him and his cohorts of evil, and it never stopped.
     Politico has counted his lies and they amount to close to eleven thousand lies!! What a record to be ashamed of - and yet he is not. He persists in telling major lies and yet, there he is, still able to pick up enough people for a rally. I just do not know. I just do not understand.
     The danger and the lies and yes, the clear and present danger he has proven himself to be, along with his henchmen, including his Senate members, including those nasty screaming faces of the House, whose very faces could induce nightmares in a child - and even an adult. Graham, you got an ugly madman face when you rant. Look in the mirror and see the insanity and its contagiousness and brother, have you caught it!
     I do not understand at all how people of culture could support him. I do not understand how he can rant and rave and support white supremacists, curse Jews to their faces, yet have people still support him. When I see a sign that reads Black Americans for Trump I feel as if I am in a dangerous and self deluding La-La Land. Ditto with Hispanics from all areas of America - North, South and Central. How could anyone support a man who has locked up your family members, denigrated all Hispanics as lesser than others, as criminals, who has caged children, allowed children to die, along with the massive mistreatment of immigrants trying to be free and hopeful, the same as all of us. I just do not know nor understand it all, this mess of ours that keeps getting worse and worse.
     There is hope out there. There are a growing number of people who have finally seen that the Emperor is naked, other than the coating of his filthy behavior, his massive disapppointments. But even as Putin praises him, McConnell supports him as he turns the justice system, the three branched government of ours upside down and inside out as he colludes with the accused, is managing the trial to be in lockstep with the accused - and admits it, and acknowledges that he is not an impartial juror. Neither are the rest of the Republicans, none of whom have any tiny little speck within them, a remnant of any loyalty, responsibilitiy, or honor and loyalty to the country and its people, its very existence and continuation as the democracy we are today and should always be. I neither know nor understand why this is happening, allowed to happen, why the Senators are not deemed unacceptable, ordered to remove themselves from the jury.
     Pelosi is trying to get as fair a trial as possible. She refuses to allow them to shout that there are no witnesses nor documents, when there are, and have been in the House hearings, even as other witnesses and documents are held back, illegally, by the White House and that madman within. They shout no witnesses are available to them in the Senate hearing, yet refuse to call them. One ccannot have it both ways and there be no consequences. It just cannot be and on such a huge scale. The mind boggles at the thought.
     What I do know, what I do understand is that we, the people, must stand up for what is right. We must accept that we made a huge error in allowing the outdated electoral college to defy a popular vote and allow an accused fraudster to become president. What I do understand is that the trial in the Senate will be a farce and our only way of righting these wrongs, of regaining our international respect and role as a leader, to regain sanity in our policies, to save the planet - is to get rid of this man in 2020, along with the corrupt and weasely Senators and House members who have no self respect, who have sold - or just given - their souls to the Devil incarnate.
     What I do know is that we cannot continue on this path and remain America, the land of the Lady of the Harbor, the land of refuge, the leader of democracy and the rights of the people, the land, the country, which makes errors, but then tries to correct them. What I do not know nor understand is exactly how the country became so downtrodden in its morale, so allowing of new spewing forth of violent hatreds and actions, so apathetic or numb to the existential danger we are in.
     This is not who we are. This is not who we need to be. Wake up, America, become the land of the free, the land of the people, the land of beauty, from sea to shining sea.

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