Monday, December 23, 2019


     Really? Is that the sum total of all the things that Trump does not understand? In yet another of his rambling, half mad - and I am being generous in that depiction - speeches, the Deranged One ranted and raved about windmills, 'confessing' that he never understood wind. And mind you, that is even though he has "studied it better than anybody." He then continued with an insane rambling speech typical of his worst moments, the ones where he displays his ever increasing derangement and descent into dementia.
     However, while we read and laugh at him and his idiocies, we need to also remember that he is that "clear and present danger" to us all. As the world's standard climate collapses around us, as floods and drought ravage the land, as huge storms terrify people, as the disasters so bad that they are supposedly once in a millenium actually seem to occur now every year, as the ice sheets melt and coasts of countries all around the world are disappearing under sea water, this man ignores it all as he showcases his ignorance!
     No, Mr, President, you do not understand more than wind. You have encouraged the growth of anti American values and deeds by calling them American and praising them. You have lackeys so attached to you that they cede their powers in fear of you, even as they sue in court in attempts to shut down free speech - and ask Nunes about that one!!
     You pervert the very meaning and flavor of the season. Chanukah and Christmas. Two joyous holidays serving as reminders of brave people fighting for religious freedom - without being forced into another religion. It is brave people lighting that "one candle" to begin the lighting of many and the illumination of the world. It is a holiday which supports "joy to the world" and peace on earth. Even though these values were not always observed in the celebration, this is the underlying basis of both. Sure, people get a bit greedy but also a lot generous as they give unto others, feeding the hungry, lighting the way for those in need, gifting those who truly need gifts for life.
     And yet this man and his evil cohorts try to bluff and threaten the world into nuclear submission, into weird science, into oppression and deprivation of rights and worse, calling it patriotism, loyalty to one's nation and 'people', a true religious calling. In the meanwhile, the people of America, the refugees attempting to find a dream of hard work and freedom, education, a future for their kids, the brave protesters of the world who stand up to their bloody and ravenous leaders, all these people are denigrated by Trump.
     The hatred in the world has overflowed once more. The blood of 'others', whomever they might be in which ever country one picks, spills over the street curbs, turns the rivers red, changes the environment as they are burned out of homes, as they are chased with murderous intent, and they are dying, dying in horrible ways, and once again, my people are being hunted, shot at, killed, with attempts to kill the young so as to cut off the future of Jewry. Once again the cruel beliefs of Hitler and his psychotic anti- Semitism are rising and Trump is right there inthe forefront - telling Jews to their faces that they "are bad people' but will vote for him despite a mutual dislike because otherwise they will lose their money!!!
     No, that is a truly old canard that has ripped apart Jews from the beginning of time. Even as Trump follows the old and bloody pathways of life, blaming people for one's own lackings and sins, the pressure upon us as we try to remain good people all around the world, as people of all religions try to urge their people to stop all this bloodshed, as secular Indians protest the horrific ever rising campaign against Moslems by Hindus, as men gang rape little girls or any woman they so desire - well, joy to the world, my friends!!
      Can you feel that joy? Can you see the flickering light of that proverbial one candle? Can you see the signs of peace - somewhere, I hope.
Anywhere? It is time for all of us to admit what we never understood and still do not. It is time for us to put away false studies, perverted and invented "facts', to join hands with each other in a search for justice, love,and peace. Gotta admit, for a while the message of the hippies was real and we should have taken it and run with it so that times such as these would have been averted!
      No, Mr, President, you did not get the mandate of the people in the election, The popular vote by 3 million went to Clinton!! And that was without the interference of Russia who fought for YOU!! You are not wanted by the majority and still are not. Your lies and threats have beaten down some, but others are rising, lighting the candles one by one, seeking that peace and joy that the world needs, seeing the truth in the obfuscations of yours. We are tired of counting your lies. Tired of trying to accommodate your threats. Tired of your trade wars. Tired of ever increasing bits and pieces of truth about your treason to your country emerging. Tired of the hate you espouse and encourage. Tired of your attempts to change the world order and most important, tired of your efforts to subvert the entire gestalt of America!
     Time to pack up your bags and go home and take with you all the greedy, power hungry, incompetent liars who are rending the fabric of our lives into shreds. Take your family members. Take the crooks. Let us truly drain the swamp. Stop hiding the truth for it will out. In the meanwhile, your 'legacy" is certainly tainted for all eternity  should the globe survive. No machinations of yours, no crooked sham trial with cowardly, morally deprived Republicans will change those facts.
     No, you never understood wind. And you never understood or understand anything else - anything that is decent, loving, speaks of peace, of lights, of joy, of a life worth living as we share it with others. No, please take yourself in your bloated body and go far away. What a Christmas/Chanukah present for the world. For the universe at large!!
    For all else, a happy Chanukah and a joyous Christmas.

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