Tuesday, January 21, 2020


     In the squabbles and fracas of today, words are thrown around with no clear definition and/or changing ones, more convenient to whomever is in the hotseat. What is a crime? Does it matter if there is a legal crime under the impeachment accusations? Are the violations of Trump enough to reach the point of removal from office or does it need an ordinary everyday crime, like robbery.
     Under the new team of lawyers, which includes some famous questionable ones, and 8 - eight! - House Republicans, the rabid ones, appointed to the defense team of the trial, it is all the better now to continue the charade of the GOP. They claim he did nothing wrong, was not after his own needs, and on and on and by the way, so okay, he did it but it is not a crime in the legal sense so there, and even if a crime is not there, his misdeeds do not rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors. What a crock!! These smug bstards think they have all eventualities and possibilities covered.
      Well guess again. The most obvious? Trump is doomed in history. He is impeached and the shenanigans and moral cowardice of the Senate GOP will not change a thing. In fact, these cowards and collusionists will also go down in shame throughout history. And by the way, even that dense head of Trump knows that he is shamed before the world and I cannot wait to hear a nonsensical and rambling spech at Davos - unless he sticks to the script and then we will have minute after minute of hypocrisy. He got off the plane looking frazzled and grumpy and it did my heart good for all the harm that he has done to people and principles.
      But here is the main and major tenet and definition. Justice. The Bible says, "Justice, justice shall thou pursue." According to the Biblical definition, justice and its concept deal with what is fair, right, moral, befitting the offense. And what about those who seek justice ouside the Bible, in normal everyday legality? Justice then means giving everyone his/her just due, in sync with the laws of the land. 
     I see no problem here in pursuing justice according to any definition, for this man surely deserves his just desserts although I wonder how one repays and compensates for the pain he has caused to others, for the trauma he has inflicted upon so many, for the mistreatmentof children, scarring them for life, for his pettiness, his criminality, his breaking of almost every rule by which we have been governed, allowing filth, corruption and incompetence to invade and drown this country. In fact, I doubt that we could even measure up in a tiny bit but still, justice deserved, justice earned, must come into play here and that goes for those who are denying it all in the name of fear, of cowardice, of greed, of stupidity.
     Saint Bridget of Sweden says that "The source of justice is not vengeance but charity." Interesting thought, that, but does it come into play here? Does the man deserve that charity? Do the members of his cohort deserve charity after the harm, perhaps irreparable harm, they have inflicted upon this country? Have their misdeeds reached the point beyond which there is no reeturn, and no equal and deserving punishment even in existence?
     My thinking, legally, morally, in deed, speech and thought, he deserves to be found guilty and should be removed from office. He then needs to be charged with all his crimes that deal with his finances, the violation of the emoluments law, his tax frauds and whatever can be found upon a full and detailed examination of all his papers. Only then will we be attempting to reach the full sense of justice for him and for us, its fair and equitable return.
     Do I think this will happen? Nope. Such is the reality of the situation. He has the hypocritical votes of the Senators who swore to uphold their duty, to judge impartially, to hear all the evidence, all the while knowing that they are messing with the case, colluding with the accused, the dirty ones smeared with Trump's dirt voting on those same issues. So how can we expect justice? But we all know that every dog has its day, and history will have its way - if we do not self destruct under his overlordship and I use that word consciously and meaningfully. He and his are that deadly to the world and its existential reality.
     But have faith.  I do not have the source of the following statement, but it is well worth its repetition for the hope it gives. "Justice is like an abandoned child in a dark forest. She meanders slowly in search of the light. One must hope she will eventually find her way."
     It is incumbent upon us to help that justice find its way out into the light, into safety, into fair and equitable distribution. History has shown how so many times the dictators and murderers and criminals of society have been found and introduced to justice. This time should be no different. Not here, nor in any other country in a world so beset by dishonesty, dishonor and a shocking lack of justice. It is our path back to right and just, fair treatment for all, a world filled with hope rather than despair.


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