I have been wondering lately which of the title choices is the better one to choose. There are days when the whole idea of flying away sounds tempting, just getting away from it all, leaving this riven and driven country back in the dust, but then again, I must pause to think. Is there indeed any place which is beyond the impact of this country, immune to the inane and destructive moves of Trump? The answer is no, most emphatically so and that is why we are in such a state of despair.
Yesterday I watched Mike Kelly give forth a rabid and inane speech telling us all what a wonderful and strong president we now have and I nearly choked. Strong? He is a bully and those are the weakest of the world, for they know how little they are worth, how wrong they generally are, how much harm they do with their thoughtless behaviors and actions. What was most frightening though, was the rabidity of the speech, its tone, its voice level. Have we totally lost our minds, totally capitulated to this madness?
I wonder if this will be similar to 1945 Germany when after defeat, every German denied being a Nazi, always the other guy and never mind the hypnotized behavior of shouts and trumpets, of blood and gore, of hateful sentiments shouted and awful actions taken. I wonder how history will judge people such as Kelly, or McConnell, or Collins, or Graham, or any of those who have consigned their souls to hell and to the list of villains and enablers of even worse villains throughout history? Not a proud legacy at all.
Meanwhile senior administrators are left holding the ball again, as usual, as Trump makes false and out of nowhere remarks, saying he knew there was a plot to bomb embassies in four countries even as his Defense people deny it. This is serious stuff as crazy as it is. Too much harm has been done throughout history by false reports, false statements upon which countries relied to go to war. Fly away? To where? How?
So, to the other choice. Humpty Dumpty. Can we put together this country of ours once more and make it whole? I could care less should the Demented One implode from his fast food and gassy blowhard talk, but what about the country of ours, left alone on that precarious perch on the wall, shaking with poor balance, teetering back and forth, seeing no one down there on the ground who is willing to catch us, soften the fall and its results? Nope, no one there. We are all alone and will have to take the step oursleves, gird our loins, as the Bible says,and just do it!!
How can we possibly still have people who believe this man and his lies that have arisen to bite him back time and time again. How can evangelicals support this most godless of man?How can any minority support this man and his hateful, putrid mind and thoughts? How can any woman support this man who demeans women with every breath he takes and every word he speaks? How can any man suppose himself to be a patriotic American and see this man shred the very fabric of our lives, of our country, who perverts every principle of our great nation? How? I simply cannot understand it, even as he ravages the environment, ignoring the effects in our country and in poor Australia. How can we support a man who is bellicose, bellowing all the day long through his poor overused fingers, and all the while saying nothing of value, only of more danger to us, as a people and as a nation?
One choice is a lovely thought, just leaving it all behind, but there is no way to do that on a permanent basis. The other choice is ugly, despairing, troubled, but that, I am afraid is the choice we are left with. We need to put our country back again, seal all the cracks in Humpty Dumpty, get rid of all those who would place him back again on that destructive wall. Vote them out. Imprison where deserved including a true and realistic trial of the worst one at the head of it all. Help being our country back to sansity. And soon. That poor thing on the wall is shaking badly.
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