Wednesday, January 15, 2020


     I would bet that most of you, at least in my generation, have heard that expression. My parents, who never let a foul word cross their lips, would express emotions of disappointment or anger with the above expression At times there would be added, either before or after, the words "Fer cryin' out loud".
     Now imagine my confusion from the youngest days I can remember. Who was Pete? Why should we worry about his sake? And what was sake anyway? Why was it never my sake or a sibling's? And who was crying out loud? I never heard anyone other than me or a sibling at times and what, is it better to cry silently? Very confusing and every time I asked my parents to explain it, they broke out in laughter and told me not to worry about it. When I asked if Pete was fine, and who he was anyway, somehow, the answer never came up. Very confusing to a young child who never quite understood why these questions provoked laughter all the time, even when I asked and polled all my aunts and uncles, getting an answer of sorts only from my Bubby who asked me, in response, "Vus is Pete? Is he hungry?" She did not know him either and as usual, worried only that there was a mouth around that needed feeding and she had never met him yet!
      But today, today I know all about Pete. I know all about crying out loud, expressing a dread out loud. Pete is Everyman - and Everywoman. Several times a day and into the night I am saying, "Oh, for Pete's sake!" I thank my parents for that outlet, for if not, a stream of foul language would be there, as I contemplate all that is going on in this country, always worried about Pete's sake.
      It is for Pete's sake that we must encourage change, urge change, demand change, demand justice, demand that Senators grow some spine, that something be done already!! For Pete's sake!! And for his sake, how much longer are we to tolerate a criminal in deed, mind, action and thought as the presumed President. Personally, I never refer to that man as President for I have never accepted him as my legitimate one at all. And I believe with better and more open forensics and discovery, I would be proven correct in these thoughts. For Pete's sake, I wish this would have happened long ago!!
     Pete is you and I. He is ahead  of the times as he actually could use the pronoun 'they' in referring to himself for that is whom he represents. So let us think a bit about Pete's sake and how we are neglecting the poor dude and dudette.
     For Pete's sake: why are Senators refusing to hear evidence?
     For Pete's sake: why are Senators or have Senators, openly tampered with a jury system? Is this not a contemptible, punishable offense?
     For Pete's sake: why have we allowed a Demented Man to serve in the Oval Office, tweeting away, wasting our time and our resources?
     For Pete's sake: why are there people still supporting him, washing off every damned lie  and dangerous action of his?
     For Pete's sake: why do we not admit that he has brought us to the brinkof nuclear war, an existential dangerous state of being, yet there he remains?
     For Pete's sake: what answer do we give our children, so disappointed in and by us, as we allow such open disregard for the Office of the President, allowing a dangerous buffoon to hold it?
     For Pete's sake: why have we not realized that the answer to these questions and more, are to be found within Amy Klobuchar. She speaks with a straight tongue. She can  give as good as she gets. She has concrete plans. She should be IT!!!
     For Pete's sake: why is the Justice Department under its pathetic head, Barr, who sold his soul to that devil in that office, going after parents who wanted to help their kids get into a college. It has been done since time began for everything from jobs to schools to meeting the right people, to anything a parent thinks good for a child. No one got hurt. The kids are carryig their loads and the parents are under threat and charges of racketeering! Facing 40 years in hard time fed pens?! Fer cryin' out loud, for Pete's sake, what is the matter with this picture?
     For Pete's sake: will we ever wake up, and in enough time that we do not have to cry out loud the morning after, cry out loud with fright that this man and his cowardly supporters will bring us all to the point of total risk and terror? We need to avoid that cryin' out loud - for Pete's sake!!
     For Pete's sake: we need to demand that  evidence and witnesses be allowed at the trial and that the Senators be charged with crimes and malfeasance if they ignore the truth, and kowtow to corruption and rot.
     For Pete's sake, let us grow up, understand why Pete's sake is at risk and yes, Bubby, he is hungry - hungry for justice. Hungry for decency. Hungry for a return to a three branch government and the Constitution. Hungry for the dollars that are flowing out for walls, for golf trips, for vacation and business trips of his progeny. Funds that should go for societal needs, for the military for refreshing and repairing our relations with former trusting, now distrustful, allies. Hungry to know that our young are not being sold down the river as mercenaries, their blood being sold cheaply, sold at all!!!
     We must remember all the Petes around this country and around the world. We need to remember that all Petes are more similar than not and surely that is a good basis on which to improve our very being, our policies. For Pete's sake we need, above all else, SANITY in the government, particularly in the Oval Office and new and fresh thinking, honest, courageous people in the adminsitration levels of government. We need to bring back those who quit in disgust and to oust those who have given up their souls.

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