Tuesday, January 28, 2020


     Facts are facts. Despite the most strenuous efforts of people to avoid and/ or change facts into some otherworldly statement, a fact is a fact. One can argue the importance of it. One can argue the need for it if it was a 'gray' situation, but that does not change the fact that it was and always will be a fact. History tends to uncover lies and allows the truth to come out and we all should remember that. Particularly in times of trouble and woe.
     Well, folks, this is such a time.Facts are distorted, ignored, changed wholesale, and then explained away as unimportant. The fact of the matter is that Trump went way above or below, take your pick, of where he should have been. One by one the facts of the truth are coming out as one after another, people clearly and closely involved, are coming forth with the truth. Their motives? They do not matter, for a fact is a fact and these emerging facts, the dirt that is being revealed about Trump and his coterie of nasty and colluding individuals who have stepped all over the American people, these facts are what matters.
     Note the facts of the so called Trump defense. Each day, each newly revealed fact, is pushing them closer and closer to the corner where there will be no longer any room to maneuver. Full disclosure, I live to see the day he is gone, removed, like a cancer on our society, so much has he damaged it. If the facts supported him, I would have to live with it, but they do not. 
     First there was the aggrieved defense of cries of anger and hurt that anyone should accuse this man of high crimes, of wrongdoing, despite the fact that there are clear indications of this behavior pattern throughout his life. Then as the facts emerged, they were explained away as oh, yes, something similar might have happened but it really is not what it looks like.
      Next step came along right on time as there was an admittance and denial at the same time that it never happened but if it did it was not a crime. As usual, trying to have both sides of the coin in their camp. Right along the same lines of defense and offense they are using when they deny materials, people, testimony and then cry out that there is no proof! They lie, exaggerate that they were shut out yet they were not. The members of the committee were allowed in the room , as is usual, and most testimony was released under rules of security. Yet the Republicans mobbed the room like children. Wah, wah, baby wants its baba, but then pushes it away, as did Trump when he turned down the offer to represent himself in the hearings. Two sides again and that argument is still being heard.
     Now we have new facts, first hand witnessing of the corruption rotting away at the heart of the White House and the country. Trump thinks everyone and everything is for sale. He has proven the truth of that within his circle of so called advisers, such as the demented Pompeo, supposed to be the voice of moderation!!! Or Giuliani, or Dershowitz or so many others. All these people, the GOP on the Hill, those around the country who parrot his every defense and lie in the face of the river flood of facts that prove otherwise, in many and every which way, they have sold their souls for a pot of beans! Those beans will disappear and what will be left will be facts. 
     Now we are hearing voices that deny their own words. Oh once it was a crime, an impeachable offense, but not now. Clinton could be impeached for lieing under oath, so what is with this dude and all his creepy buddies who have lied thousands upon thousands of times - these lies having been counted and the count is ongoing.
    Now Bolton has emerged, his witnessing First Hand the quid pro quo, the attempt to extort and threaten, to dump an ally for the good of Russia, for the good of Trump himself as he tries all day and every day to defeat his opposition and to remain in office, G-d forbid, as he will turn the country into a cruel parody of what we are supposed to be.
     Now the latest attempt - okay, the witness is there, Sondland and Yovanovich and Taylor were seemingly not enough, but here is the witness of the moment, so what is left? What is left is the next step of his crooked defense . Okay, it happened, but so what. He actually did not mean it to be for personal benefit and even if he did, it is not an impeachable offense. So then I wonder what the hell is? Walking naked down Pennsylvania Avenue? The boasted about ability to shoot someone on Fifth Avenue in plain sight and get away with it? Enough!!! Enough!!!
     Roberts must use his authority and force witnesses and documents be entered and heard from. He needs to force the cowardly and spineless GOP Senators to come out in the open. Either they are true to their oath and will hear it all, judge on the facts, or they are all perjuring themselves and let that face of theirs be exposed to the voters. No two sides of the coin here either.
     Will we hear the echo down the years as we did yesterday, on International Holocaust Remembrance Day yet, that "Hitler was a great leader". So maybe he had some bad intentions, but wow, what a leader. He got that crowd in his hands. Is that what we wish for - to have Trump and his followers go down in history as that, close relatives of open fascists, murderers, thugs who went way above where they should have been - because we allowed it. We did. And time for us to step in, step up, demand justice and truth, the use of facts, the open presentation of facts, the truth that Trump needs to be convicted if we are to remain America in all its meanings and interpretations, and this nonsense, this dangerous nonsense must stop.
     The fact of the matter is - we are now at 90 seconds to midnight, the closest the Doomsday Clock has ever been. No joke, foks. No joke. Do we want to go down in some ET history book of what once was, the Camelot of the 21st century, the country that lost its way, that allowed a Mordred to rule, followed an evil man, or will we stand up and be once again and forever - true Americans. You know what I think. And you?
     Will it even be possible to write such a blog, express discontent with the presumed leader? I doubt it and just look at the actions already taken: the press secretary is useless, over a year since a briefing. The others were useless, just lie spouting robots of Trump, the media was cursed, denigrated and now the NPR reporter has been removed from the Pompeo trip. Suppression of one of our oldest rights, proven in court by Peter Zenger when he criticized the British governor, before we were independent. Why are we throwing this away? Why? And if we allow this, if we allow the facts to be dead before life, if we let our rights be taken without protest, then what is left? Book burning? People burning? Hatred knows no limit in targets and actions. None.

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