Weird things going on out there, especially in the western part of the country. Scary things too. Apparently, in Colorado, at night, there are squadrons of large drones, in formation, flying around, hovering over homes, and if you can dredge up the scenes from various series and movies then you will remember the drones, always there, always spying, and always shooting. So what gives? Apparently no one knows or no one is admitting to what is going on nor taking responsibility or ownership of these flying missions. Eerie and scary.
Then we have the attack of nature upon us. No, not the calamitous fires that speak of a hell on earth. And no, not the weird weather phenomena around the nation and the world. Nope, this is an almost personal attack, Nature on Man, and is right out of a King novel. Giant tumbleweeds, the kind you see rolling down deserted streets in ghost towns, only a helluva lot bigger, rolled onto a highway in Oregon and shut it down!! Yup, you read it right. They buried cars, drivers having to be dug out, first discovering where their cars were, and even a semi was buried by them. Now if that does not make the top ten of nightmares - but in real life - then I give up!!!
Last nite, as I tossed and turned, a nightmare kept returning, ramping up anxiety and finally destroying any attempt at sleep. I wanted no more of those dreams, or rather that one dream that kept coming back, picking up where it had left off. Israel was being attacked, on all sides, from all borders. The skies were thick with missiles, hitting civilian areas, too many to be shot down, and the deaths were mounting. The army, caught short, had to catch up and it simply was not happening and then, the shouts, the screams, as the Iranian Republican National Guard came overland via Egypt, through Sinai, into the small communities of the Negev,and slaughtered all, from young to old, men, women, children. They left behind scorched earth. The blood was flowing and the Israelis were overwhelmed.
The crowds of refugees thronged the beaches, awaiting the fulfillment of the threat to throw them into the sea. Children were fighting with rocks against huge tanks and missiles, against growwn men just shooting them down, mowing them down. Every time I woke up, gasping, I tried to stay awake, but inevitably found myself back in the midst of this nightmare, one that is not really so far off possibility.
The world? You ask where they were? Well, they were busily pontificating re the slaughter and attacks on Jews in their own countries, doing effectively nothing, and then the shouts - no refugees, no more, not Jews, not parasites, the history of the world in capsulated form and modern times, only it felt like the Dark Ages and the heat of the flames of past and present fires overwhelmed the air, even as the agonized cries of Jews around the world, their pleadings for intervention, for refuge, for aid, as their protests grew in size and then violence as desperation rose - well, I wrenched myself out of this nightmare and then began to wonder how real was it? How likely is it?
So should I comfort myself in stories about tumbleweeds and nod my head with sagacity as I confirm my thoughts about Nature turning upon Man? But then I read another story about mounting anti Semitism, violent in form, rife with virulent hatred, and I cannot lie to myself. Bad times are coming. No, let me correct that, bad times are here. To stay? Lord, but I hope not, but someone, somewhere, give me a sign, a signal of hope, of showing me how the tumbleweeds of G-d will fall upon these people wherever they spout their poison, and the world will return to some form of sanity. Give me hope that yet another Jewish state in the Land of Israel, our ancestral homeland, will not fall, that progress will not be thrown backwards in violent heaves.
What I do know for sure is that there is a rising fear in the Jewish communities of this country and around the world. In the past few days I have spoken with, and heard from many, who are frightened such that they have never been before. Survivors and their children speakof similarities, of the growing violence, and fear the inevitable growth line of this horrendous infection unless it is stopped. And again. Who will do the stopping? Will, in fact, there be anyone who will do the stopping, care to do that, take it on? Right now, not too optimistic about that.
Tumbleweeds, formations of threatening drones, and nightmares fleshing out in vile turns and twists of reality. Sleep disappearing, its refuge gone missing there as well. Does it even end? Why must it be a dark and constant line of blood running through the centuries? Why can we not all realize that we are more alike than not, created by the same Creator, out of the same human clay, with the same needs and desires. I feel as if I am living the torments of Macbeth and wife as they, too, cannot sleep, albeit they murdered someone and I am trying to hope and pray that the bloodshed stop. Now! Forever.
Dear Lord, I need to sleep. I need to at least find comfort and refuge in my dreams. Mankind cannot long continue on in these circumstances. You promised never to destroy us with water ever again, but there is no safeguard against us destroying ourselves, in a maelstrom of blood and violence, of destruction of the very planet we inhabit. We are the tumbleweeds of our own destruction, the harbingers of a sad future. Unless....
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