Friday, February 14, 2020


     A paranoid person always feels that the world and all within it are out to get him. In that case, he chooses his circle of intimates very carefully, looking for those whom he can trust, and even then, there is a forever changing of the guard as each intimate falls under suspicion.  Often then the wagons are circled, the drapes closed, the communication cut and the nuttiness goes deeper and deeper, beyond all point of return. That feeling is often strengthened when past members of the circle or even present ones begin  to speak out, a la Barr, who evidently does not like to be seen as a lackey and devoted servant to Trump.
      And ain't that just too bad!!  The truth will out, will it not?! I cannot understand, though, how all these people got caught inhe first place, perhaps thinking they could outsmart the man, save the country in a major attack of hubris, or what? Did they not see his corruption, the internal worms of distrust, mistrust, anger, crudeness and downright inhumane tendencies? Did they not see his lies for exactly what they are and if not or chose to ignore, then that says something else, does it not?
     In his newest fit, the Demented One is bringing back Hope Hicks, the champion liar of a former position in his administration, circling those wagons ever closer, all the while the heaps of corruption pile up around that circle, separating that sick inner circle from the rest of the world.
      Today, even McConnell says to Trump that perhaps he ought to think of tweeting less. Now the GOP votes to limit his war powers. I thought they realized that they gave up that right when they excused his abuse of power, knew and admitted it was wrong yet allowed him to escape just punishment. As a consequence the man is admitting in so many words that the Justice Department was oh so naughty and mean and pardoning is not out of order. Great! Kowtow to the Demented One and escape trouble - as do all dictators who use fear and lies and cruelty as their tools of trade.
     So how much longer do we hold off on a final, long delayed, and well deserved attack on that circle of sick souls? Is there time to wait until November? Is there a safety net that will catch the poor deluded souls who go along with his immoral behavior and cruelty? What will happen when this Demented One exercises what he believes is his right - to do as he wishes, as he pleases, and to hell with all else?
     America is at a tipping point and we all know what happens when we ignore that and let it go over or under or asunder. The words do not matter, only the consequences. Perhaps we need to circle our own wagons, defend democracy, defend America and what it means, what it stands for and break the power of that other nefarious ill meaning circle. We have, potentially, till Election Day in November - I hope and hopefully, we will all do the right thing. Circles need dooorways if those within are to grow and flourish in the right way. Doorways allow us to win over the deluded souls of personality cults. Let us uncircle those wagons.

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