Monday, February 17, 2020


     We all know that there are items that sometimes look great on the outside, but when opened, ugh!! Or food looks tempting,  but try tasting it! And there are the opposite situations, when there is an inherent physical ugliness or off putting appearance, but try eating, or opening, or wearing and one will say aahhhh.
     Translated fromthe Hebrew adage, one should not look at the container, but what is inside. That is the true value and even when one is plain on the outside, if there is a goodness on the "inside", we state that is the better goodness and truth of the container and contents.
     Now look at today's world at several 'containers'. Just back from Israel, I think it is a beautiful example of one not knowing what is inside, the truth of the matter. Israelis are tough, having been raised in a land where paradoxically they are both free to an amazing extent, but also imprisoned in another. It is their land, free to be Jews, free to feel a sense of belonging that could be lacking in other countries, based on history and today's world. It is also a tiny country surrounded by millions upon millions of people and supporters around the world who would rather see the Israelis in the sea, swimming for their lives.
      One has to be tough, appearing almost rude to an extent. Yet the same person will talk to you standing on a street corner or on the lightrail, ask and tell the most intimate details of one's life, and then invite you into their homes for meals, for friendship, for sleepovers and for matches for unmarried children!!Even as many appear beautiful yet tough, they are actually soft and loving, giving medical care to children of enemies, appearing first on the scene at worldwide disasters, advancing technology and medicine in the most innovative ways, and have multiple songslongingfor peace. Truly container and contents here.
     We have famous sports figures, CEOs, big wheels in so many spheres of the world, yet when the covers are lifted even just a tiny bit, we find an ugliness, sheer cruelty and disregard for others. Does the outside matter here? It should not, yet it does to too many people.
     Today there are headlines with two glaring examples of container and contents. First we had a really cool picture posted showing a huge crowd under an Air Force One, evidently a portrayal of the crowds who came to see Trump, not the races, at Daytona. Guess what? That picture was from 2004, used without permission, without the truth, and there you are again, an outside with a rotting inside. 
     Second, we have a man who believes that his physical appearance, his height, will gain him his seat in the WH again. The taller man wins, so it is said, yet what is inside this container and is it worthy of being at the height of the country? Think of the contents - the insanity, the dementia, the cruelty, the incompetence, the greed, the fake physical appearance of a doctored face, the misogyny, the  sheer nastiness of it all inside that container, and all the roaches he gathers around that rotting content. Does it really make a difference if the President is shorter, or a woman, or gay? Does it not matter that the person actually be a good person, knowledgeable, a patriot in the true sense of the word, a public servant, one whose family is intact, a person respected by the world and committed to American values.
     This particular container is rotting, rusting, and the insides are ugly, malodorous. Yet people appear to be blind, even as the organs of government are corrupted, as 1,100 former members and lawyers of the Justice Department demand Barr's resignation, as we confirm sexual deviants and know nothings to judgeships, to postions of grave authority, as the container itself admits to his own ugliness, lies, nasty behavior and worse, actually is proud of it all, wishes to remain in office forever, and the ever increasing hatred of others, the loss of morality amongst our GOP Senators and Congressmen and women.
     Truly, this rusting container and its gross innards wil be the undoing of us all. Unless we all wake up and come November throw it out, and in the meanwhile we must make our feelings clear, that we want trash cleanup while we wait, that we need scouring of the streets and paths trod by this man and his cohorts, that we want cleanliness, foremost and always, back again.
    And just as an aside, take a look at the picture of Trump talking and Melania standing next to him. She is stiff, as in pain or could it be disgust - and why are her lips moving as he is speaking? Weird is the word. Has she cracked under the strain of living with this man? Has she broken under the hypocrisy of her program of anti cyberbullying even as the chief cyberbully lives with her? Interesting.
     Anyway, take a note from today's posting. Before discarding people, or choosing friends, or crowds to hang with, look at their insides as well as their outsides and weigh them. Truly, who is the better person here? Who is the better choice? The right choice will only enhance your life and your happiness. Just sayin'!

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