One of the most frustrating things on earth is to hear someone spout lie after lie, one nonsensical bit after another, sit there quietly trying to be a good audience member and seethe as one sees heads nod up and down like the puppets they are and then engage in a most nauseating and untruthful love fest for one who has done worse than nothing, and lied about it all the while.
The vaccine for Covid-19, or more familiarly known as the coronavirus - and please check your spelling next time, Donny boy - is acomin' down the track, real soon - so we are told by that imbecile Trump, who had one of his typical rambling, all over the place press meetings. As he spoke one could say uh huh and then double that as another speaker tells us it is at least a year to a year and a half down the road, not almost out the door and in our arms as Trump insinuates! Uh huh! As usual, the garbage spews forth from that man's mouth. One cannot believe a single syllable that emanates from his mouth.
Trump appears to take this virus personally. How dare it affect his 'trump' card, the economy, which truly ain't that great, and ruin the stock market and the dreams and hopes of so many. Of course, it is the fault of the Democratic Party and in particular, that of Pelosi and Schumer, a personal attack on him. Amazing that everything is about him and that these two have the power to create a world wide epidemic verging on pandemic levels and all just about him. The arrogance is astounding. His egocentrism, his sociopathic behavior, is just mind boggling, and then one has to sit there and listen to first the Devil's Spawn praise his boss, Azar speak words of love for him as well, and on it went. My question? What the hell has he done that is praiseworthy? Not only in general, but in specifics, about Covid-19? Nada!!! Oh yeah!!
But all is okay because the government, meaning him, has done so much already for only 15 people have it here in the US and never mind those other victims, of course. Oh, and they are all getting better, even home already, and again, never mind the one who is still in bad shape and in danger from this disease. Never mind the person in California who is the first victim of community spreading and contagion. Never mind all the facts, that as usual, refute Trump's ridiculous and harmful statements.
Oh, and not to worrry, for the government has set aside containment centers and has way enough supplies to hande this crisis if it even gets to be a crisis. I am not quite sure what we call the dive of the market if not a crisis, but never mind that. Find me a containment center, this the day after we read of the refusal of area after area to set up a containment center in their neighborhood.NIMBY at its best! Oh yeah!! Uh huh! As for masks - go find a real protective one in your neighborhood store or on line. Good luck to ya' for it is just not there. But oh yes, the government has done so much, is so ready, is so prepared.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the same place where Trump has made loving statements re Putin, Kim, Xi and all other warm, cuddly, murdering monster leaders, the push is on to get Sanders for his statement that Fidel Castro actually did one good thing with his literacy program in a country which was inherently illiterate. I despise the deeds of Castro, what he did to his country, to the people on that island, but he did do that one thing. Does it make an excuse for him any more than the proverbial getting the trains to run time in Italy by Mussolini??Of course not, but it a fact, just as Trump's inappropriate love fests with hisfellow dictator brothers in arms, in dictatorship, in destroying rights - and that is what he has done here, make no mistake about it.
Hit lists of 'enemy' workers. Lists of incompetent judges, even condemned by the ABA, yet great for his destructive aims. Evident lists of nasty names, usually relying on alliteration, to call his political enemies. Immense ego. No social empathy, no human feelings. It just goes on and on.
Immigration rights, even legal immigration shut down for all practical purposes. And do not forget those pictures of kids in cages, screaming as they are torn from their parents, lost children somewhere in the system, adults held in dirt and filth.
Reintroduction and emphasis on denying LGBTQ rights, equal to all. A return to the active and destructive hatred of earlier times in the USA with bombings of religious institutions, increased attacks of violence by right wing extremists, white supremacists, parades of hate and a return to a time of danger and denial for women. Oh yeah! Times are great, are they not?! The good old days according to some.
Need more? No problem. The National Labor Board now works for the owners, not the laborers, the unions. The lobbyists who have been made Secretaries of the Departments that cover that same area. So fair, so impartial! The reopening rifts in the social safety net and an evident non caring abut the needs of those who need help, aid, guidance, advice. It is sickening!!
The causing of mistrust for the media. A nonsensical and dangerous meme of "false news". Illegal pressure on the Justice Department and the entire judiciary structure. Tampering with tradition and the Constitution and an ever increasing exposure of his true plans - the assumption of a permanent role as Life Leader, just like his best buds! The placement of his family at the helm of this country. The total destruction of any and all progress we have made over the years and add to that the blind damage we keep on doing to the environment as he insists there is nothing to it!! Oh yeah. Uh huh. Life is so good!
Let us just vote him in again in a show of ignorance, of apathy, of hatred, of anti patriotism, a display of vile attitudes and actions against all those who despise and oppose that man, his coterie, and the damage he has already done and will continue to do to this, our country. Oh yeah. That is the truth. Unless we change that scenario. But time is short and only we can do that. Uh huh!
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